View Full Version : Golden Anaconda

03-27-2003, 12:30 AM
What"s the mix of this fish? Does anyone have any pics.

Thx Dave

03-27-2003, 01:05 PM
Joe at Enchanted Discus would know way more than I, so I'd recommend you contact him about the parentage. But what I've been told, it is a Leopard Snake Skin, crossed back to a Wild Tefe Red Spotted Green. Mike Wells has photos of a bunch of them on his website, but he just calls them Leopard Snakeskins, not Golden Anaconda's, which is the name he bought them under.
Go to: http://www.adiscusdream.com and go to the spotted gallery, and you'll see them there.
Lance Krueger

03-27-2003, 03:44 PM
Thanks Lance, the two pictures look quite different.
I like the green and yellow. Mike's seem to have more red in them. Is this just lighting?

03-27-2003, 06:31 PM
I don't know if it's the lighting or not. I know on Joe's site, the Golden Anaconda's look more Gold. I have actually been to Mike's place and seen his Anaconda's, and they didn't look Golden like on the Enchanted Site. I remember thinking that I didn't know why they were called "Golden." Maybe food differences, I don't know. I just know they're beautiful, high-end Leopard Snakeskins. I wouldn't buy these fish because they are supposed to be golden, but because they are really nice spotted fish.

03-27-2003, 07:01 PM
Plus the slight color difference can be attributed to different lines of the same fish. No two turquise lines or pb lines are the same.....so i assume the same goes for these fish.
Here is a pic of one i got from Mike a while back.....


03-28-2003, 12:43 AM
Good looking fish, Tyler.