View Full Version : collecting in the amazon.

03-28-2003, 04:28 PM
Every year a group of us goes on a trip. It is usually with the underlying theme of observing nature. (this is because there are 2 biologist, 1 nature photo geek, and 1 marine guy) The trips are very low key and cheap. We camp everywhere we go. We were planning the amazon after alaska which would be in 2 years. But I am thinking of pushing really hard to do it sooner. I found a pretty good site.


Does anyone else know of any other website or have information they would like to share?

Thank you in advance.

03-28-2003, 06:06 PM
I know that Oliver Lucanus at Below water organizes collecting trips to the amazon. Here is the linbk to his site: http://www.belowwater.com/