View Full Version : Dumb male

03-28-2003, 11:23 PM

i got my first pair going here.

Well, the female is laynig eggs as i type but the male is crazy. ::)

He just waits for her to deposit the eggs and then he EATS them right away.

Could someone explain to me why is he doing all this crap?



03-28-2003, 11:26 PM

A lot of cichlids that are young or inexperienced will eat the first few batches of eggs and/or fry. Not all, but a lot. This occurs in angels and discus too. Sometimes they are chronic egg-eaters or fry-eaters, sometimes they grow out of it and get it right.

If they're young and this is their first attempt, I would say just let them go and do what comes naturally. After several attempts they'll probably get it right.

Some fish are doomed to be egg-eaters forever, but let's hope that's not the case. There's hope yet :)


03-28-2003, 11:28 PM
This is funny.

As i was typing this message Jeff called me.

He said that the male is probably young and hasn't developed maternal instincts yet.

He also pointed out that after few spawns in the community tank i should pull the pair and put them in their own tank.

The reason being that the pair feels threatened by the other fish in the tank.

Anyway, this is a good start for me ( I think).

Note: The above fish arrived on Tues. 25th.

That female is pretty horny i would say.

take care


03-28-2003, 11:28 PM
hi Alex,
First of all are you sure youre male is a male infact? And if so how do you know?

03-28-2003, 11:39 PM

i am pretty sure.

First, i can see his papilla and is very pointed while the female has a thicker.

Second i would guess that it is a male because he chased all the fish away from the spawning site and courted with her.

Third, by looking at the pic i would guess that this is a male.

I hope i am right.



03-28-2003, 11:49 PM
give them a few runs..the male might not be ready yet..be patient..if they are a pair..they will give u fries soon.

03-29-2003, 01:01 AM
O.K that does look like a male. ... just give them time best of luck. ;)