View Full Version : water fleas

03-30-2003, 09:04 PM
Can anyone help me.
There are little white parasites in my water.
They look like little fleas.
And multiple fast.
Are they dangerous to my fish?
How do i get rid of them.
Thanks Kevin

03-30-2003, 10:29 PM
Hi kevin,
They are most likely Copepods...


to get rid of them.. increase your water changes and clean your sponges more often.


ps... Very common in fish tanks, and should not pose a direct threat to your fish. Though some are parasitic, and they can act as a host for some tape worms.... Copepods are in everyones tanks.

03-30-2003, 10:52 PM
yes, fequent waterchanges are generally the best cure. they are pretty much harmless but not always as AL stated.
kim :-*

03-30-2003, 10:58 PM
i guess i have to do more water changes.
I've been busy lately.

03-31-2003, 05:09 PM
Kevint - yes, do those water changes, clean the filter media/bottom media, if any, and wipe down the glass surfaces.

Just to throw a curve at you .... maintain your discus water at a ''NITRATE'' level at or below 10 ppm. Any thing over 10 ppm is not really heathy . Sounds extreme, nope, just what the discus like.

Throw a prefilter foam on the pick-up tube of your filter. This prevents any ''foods'' from entering the main filter and hosting the copeds. Much easyier to clean!!!
