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View Full Version : frozen blood worms ok? opinions please

03-31-2003, 12:44 AM
subject says it all.

03-31-2003, 12:57 AM
I think so. I feed the hikari brand and have had not problems. :)

03-31-2003, 01:17 AM
I'm with Jeff! Hikari Blood worms have never been a problem for me.....well for my fish....I'm allergic to them!


03-31-2003, 04:05 AM
I'm allergic to them as well and I itch like hell just thinking about them... but my fish attack them, so that's what I like to use. I've fed off-brands to my angelfish and they don't seem as thrilled, but the Hikari ones are a big hit and go over very well ;D The fish know what the package looks like and wiggle and dance in the front of the tank.

Wash your hands really well after you handle them and don't touch your face or your mouth. Not everyone is allergic to them, but you never know -- better to be careful. It's not just the Hikari brand -- it's something in the bloodworms themselves (Al, is it the hemoglobin?)


03-31-2003, 07:32 AM
yes they're great, my fish love em!! i'm not allergic to them so i have no advice to give ya there....
kimberly :-*

03-31-2003, 10:22 AM
Same here my fish love them and never had a problem!!! I feed only hikari also. Not allergic to them either.

03-31-2003, 10:48 AM
Hi Ryan,
yes its a version of hemoglobin called erythrocruorin . It gives them their characteristic Red color.


03-31-2003, 02:29 PM
Al is that what you think most people have alergies to? or is it something else?

03-31-2003, 11:42 PM
Hi all,
I use 'em too, and my fishies love 'em. I'm also allergic to them and use a pair of rubber dish-washing gloves to handle them. This prevents direct contact with them. I keep the gloves under the tank and use rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle to clean them after each use. It's worked good so far.


04-01-2003, 09:51 AM
My fish enjoy the bloodworms though I have a theory that younger fish have some trouble digesting them - nothing concrete, just based on observations. Therefore I feed them sparingly to fish under 3" or so.

I am not really allergic to the bloodworms just by handling them, though I have gotten a reaction on the inside of my forearms when I clean tanks where I dripped worms and where my arm rubs against the tank while cleaning it.


04-01-2003, 10:03 AM
John I would like to hear your theory and what you have observed!! I've never seen any of my little guys having trouble digesting bloodworms!! Don't get me wrong I'm not slamming you just interested in your opinon and observations!!!


04-01-2003, 11:09 AM

When my fish were smaller they would darken up after eating bloodworms and appeared to be in distress. They lightened up in few hours and seemed unaffected. I was concerned and decided to keep an eye on it and noticed that different fish would become dark - usually the ones which pigged out and ate the most worms.

When I cut the amount I fed significantly, I stopped having the problem. Was it the worms? I don't know for sure, but appearances indicated that it was possible. So... I just give the smaller fish fewer bloodworms and everyone is happy!

I don't feed little fish lots of blackworms at one time either, based on the fact that the ones that gorge seem to darken and experience bloating also.


04-02-2003, 10:35 AM
mine discus loves bloodworm... I think feeding bloodworm is better than live worms as live worm might contain some parasites... Am i true?

04-02-2003, 04:00 PM
my fish love 'em

Anna Piranha
04-02-2003, 04:22 PM
I currently feed frozen bloodworms. They are convenient, especially when I go away and have someone come in to feed. There is no way I will ever get a temporary care-taker to feed live worms.

I am going to switch to the live California Blackworms advertised on this site, because frozen bloodworms foul the water when they disintegrate. There are also very compelling reasons listed in the foods forum of this site. When I go away, I will still have my care-taker feed frozen bloodworms.

04-02-2003, 09:05 PM
Anna, you won't be sorry. 8)

04-03-2003, 12:24 PM
:bounce: :bounce2: I feed Hikari froz BWs & have no problems. Use them daily, & used them when away, cuz it's safe & easy for someone else to drop'm in. Haven't ever had a pollution problem, they are eaten up so fast, & have a half dozen cories & B.rams that will finish everything that comes down the Pike. Bottom dirt is much diminished since I combined these with CBWs & 2 feedings of Hai Feng & Azoo pellets for a total 4 feedings/day. The CBWs as a treat, are the last thing at night before lights out. Fish doing well so far! Dottie ::) ::)

04-04-2003, 01:26 PM

How many cubes of Hikari frozen blood worms should i feed when i have 6 palm-sized discus? Is 2 cubes enough? Sometimes i give them another 1/2 teaspoon of dried pellets. They can never get enough of it. I'm afriad of over-feeding them. But sometimes the smaller ones doesn't get enough of it. Pls advise me.


04-04-2003, 06:04 PM
I feed Hakari (tried SF Brand but found it to be dirty and inferior) blood worms twice a day along with MYSIS Shrimp.

Just before lights out I feed some CBW. You must be careful because if you feed too much CBW they will not eat anything else until they become quite hungry. I found out the hard way and had to get them back on the Blood worms and MYSIS.

04-04-2003, 07:53 PM
:bounce2: :bounce2: Hi Pink, I have 7 almost adult discus in a 90g tank with 3 cories & 6 rams. Feed 2 cubes H. froz B worms & they are cleaned up. Probably could add 1 more, but they do get fed 4X day. The 125g has 14 semi adults, 5 cories & 6 rams. Feed them 3 cubes at 1 feeding. They are all doing well, & are not too spoiled. lol, Dottie ;D ;D

04-05-2003, 01:07 PM

You may be sorry. :)

04-05-2003, 04:20 PM

i just want to add that i've noticed tremendous growth when discus are fed Hikari blood worms.

Here is what i got two weeks ago from Dan.

17 lbs

Thanks Dan.


04-11-2003, 08:00 AM
Its weird.
Whenever I feed frozen Bloodworms (Hikari) my Discus tank will show signs of Planaria (the little white worms) on the glass surfaces. They disappear with a few large water changes.

Whenever I feed frozen Artemia (Brine Shrimp) or in fact any other frozen food or dried food, I don't get the problem.

Anyone can explain to this newbie why this is so??? ???

04-11-2003, 01:07 PM
:bounce2: :bounce2: Boy, BlueBull, I'd like to know 'bout that one too!! Been feeding these (H-BWs) daily for over a year, & thank goodness haven't run into that!! Wonder??? ??? ??? Dottie