View Full Version : Help !!! spots on tail...........

04-02-2003, 02:48 PM
Hello there I need some expert advice!!!!!
I have a small blue diamond(1.5"-2") that has three white spots on her tail it looks like Ick but its just three spots on her tail. She has no other visible sign of sickness. She eats well, her colors are bright & vibrant. This has been a reoccuring problem Ive treated for ick and it goes away for a couple of weeks and then a few spots show up on the tail again. I think that if this problem were serious then my other fish would have these tail spots, but not one other fish has any.

heres a pic of the spots.

04-02-2003, 04:17 PM
I believe it viral and such....you can't treat it. Thats why it come and goes on its own.

Others here have made observations linking it to water quality and stress. These may be valid as its long be known that stress can lead to viral outbreaks in animals carrying that virus (human herpes for example) . water quality can stress fish out, as can a multitude of other things in a tank.


04-02-2003, 06:45 PM
Thanks Brew how can I treat it if its not viral and possibly what is it??? any help would be appreciated.

04-02-2003, 10:21 PM
In a planted tank, I would not bother trying at this point. If the spots become numerous it could be a parasite...but I really don't think it is. The key is its sporadic appearance.

Short story... I had a fish with similar on the tail about 2 years ago... Coudl tell what it was, so I decided to apply a Q-tip with peroxide to the spot. The spot was gone.The fin got some minor damage...healed fine. A few weeks latter, There was another spot further down the tail!

The moral of the story. if it ain't broke, it ,may be a waste of time trying to fix it. and if it is broke... it may not be fixable ;) :)


04-02-2003, 11:05 PM
Thanks for the help Brew you always give good advice. :)

04-03-2003, 12:47 AM
i have one question for brewmaster,i have the same thing with one of my fish dots on tail and 1 on each pectoral fin left and right.its definately not ick.dots on bone parts of fins and tail.is it possible to transmit this infection to others in tank.and will the infected fish die.any info will be appreciated .thanx.

04-03-2003, 12:50 AM
Hi Hector,

is it possible to transmit this infection to others in tank.and will the infected fish die Honest;y don't know as I don't know for sure what causes it. If its viral.. it could potentially spread , but I never noticed it in my tanks, and I never heard of anyone witha death or even serious problems associated with it.


04-03-2003, 01:07 AM
thanks brewmaster,damm your quick on those responses.anyone else can help me on this one,i have two infected imported fish from same guy and they are in a QT tank .these dots showed up 3 days after i bought them.the importer has a shady background i found out too late. ???

04-03-2003, 03:00 AM
It seems like it's the same fish over and over who get the spots. Understocking helps - in addition to clean water, tanks and filters. I don't see it as much with a pair in a 29 versus 8 adults in a 55. Sometimes it looks like the dots move down the fin/tail like they are on the slime coat instead of the flesh . .