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View Full Version : Gorgeous Golden Pomacea bridgesii Snails

04-03-2003, 11:16 PM
I have beautiful, deep golden yellow Pomacea bridgesii mystery snails, also called Gold Inca Mystery Snails in the aquarium hobby for sale at $1 a snail. These are drop dead gorgeous snails, bred by me, and raised in optimum conditions. They are about grape sized, with perfect shells. This is the variety of Pomacea bridgesii that has pinkish/red spots on the body. I have sent many of my snails to snail lovers around the country and they love them. Lovingly packed and shipped Priority mail to arrive to you in great condition. Shipping is $5.00. You will adore these snails, they are a wonderful addition to almost every tank, except tanks with puffers or loaches (they will kill them). They are easy to feed, don't bother aquatic plants too much, and grow to the size of a golf ball! You will not be over run with snails, as they lay their eggs out of the water and you can easily remove the eggs if you do not want babies!
I can also throw in some very nicely colored Malaysian Trumpet snails as a bonus if you would like some. These have a cream colored shell with brown spotting and whorls, they are very attractive!
You can contact me at SanDiegoFishes@aol.com, I can accept PayPal, checks or money orders, and can only ship in the United States. Thanks!

04-04-2003, 01:49 PM
I've never heard the term "drop dead gorgeous" & snails used in the same sentence before. ;D But, you piqued my interest. How about a pic?

04-04-2003, 10:26 PM
Hi Chirohorn,
I just added a photo of one of my babies, enjoy. Also, these snails do great in the warmer temps that Discus and angels like, all mine are in tanks that run between 80-85 degrees.
Take care,

04-05-2003, 12:04 AM
How about some additional info on the trumpet snails? Do they multiply like mad and take over the tank or are they the ones that dig in the substrate? Also how big do the gold ones get.

Excuse my ignorance,

04-05-2003, 02:46 AM
Hi Randall!
The Malaysian Trumpet snails are the conical shaped livebearing snail that live in the gravel. They get about an inch long, do not bother plants, and they do a good job of rooting around, finding any leftovers in a gravel based tank. They do come out in the dark, so if you get too many, you can remove them from the glass sometime after lights out :) These are a very pretty species, with a light, cream colored body that has brown spots and swirls. The body of the snail is very dark. It is a pretty combination.
The Gold Bridgesii get to be about the size of a golf ball if they get plenty of food. Mine are all fed lots of goodies at night when I turn out the lights. They love algae pellets, especially spirulina pellets, zucchini, frozen shrimp, daphnia,bloodworms, etc. My baby plecos have to fight for the pellets sometimes, as the snails sit on them, big grin!
People who come see my fish tanks always ooh and aww over the big gold snails, they really are a conversation piece, plus they are hard workers!
Take care,

04-05-2003, 02:51 PM
Aloha Barbara, I am curious will both types of snails withstand R/O conditions? Most of my tanks contain a mix of tap and R/O.

Mahalo Ike ;D

04-05-2003, 03:10 PM
Hi Ike,
The Pomacea bridgesii don't do well in water with low calcium, their shells tend to erode over time. Since you are not using pure R/O I suspect you would be fine, but I can't swear by it. I have had them in tanks with my Altum Angels, and although I don't use R/O on that tank, I do use Discus buffer, which really drops the ph and hardness down. The snails are happy and healthy, but that is my only experience with water that is not my usual 8.2 ph, liquid cement!
Take care :)

04-05-2003, 05:19 PM
You've got mail.
