View Full Version : Small victory for a newbie

04-04-2003, 01:26 AM
No discus yet. I have 2 55s with tetras & corys.
Still working on the water changes & pH stuff.

However, by researching about discus keeping, I have made some nice discoveries.
I set up a small water room in an extra half bath & ran some cpvc to my tanks.
It is easier to do water changes now, so, I do them more often.
Plus, I can age & condition my change water.
I can completely control the water chemistry of the change water.
So, by adjusting the frequency & percentage of water changes,
I can control the chemistry of my tanks.
It has had a dramatic effect on both of my tanks.
I'm starting to get eggs all over the place.

Anyway, to all you experts, this may seem like a small victory, but I'm excited.
I have hesitated to buy any discus fish, but, I may indeed have the confidence now.

Thanks for all your help.


Mr. Limpet
04-04-2003, 03:38 AM
Zed, great job! now you see what a difference it makes. Anything that you can do to make it easier, will only make it better for you and the fish. Keep up the good work, and enjoy the benefits. Paul.

04-04-2003, 05:07 AM
Jump on in the waters fine ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Paul :guitarist:

04-04-2003, 08:44 AM
sounds great Zed. now.when you think you need a new challenge.....then think you need to try discus for sure.

04-04-2003, 02:01 PM
now call Al of Rocky Mout Discus an chat with him. he is just down the road from you an 1 of the TOP breeders with good prices. tell him pops said hi. ;D ;D

04-05-2003, 03:28 AM