View Full Version : You guys are seriously a bad influence...

04-05-2003, 04:35 PM
I am so addicted to Discus now ;D.

My 50g community which was housing Rainbows, Cories and a pair of Blue Turks was transformed this morning into a bare bottom Discus tank. Taking the gravel out of the tank with the fish and water still in it is something I suggest NOT trying to do :crazy:. I left the driftwood in there, and I'll put some of the plants in pots. I traded the community fish in on another pair of Blue Turks and a Red Turk. All five fish are about 2.5" long. I will probably get another two or three of a different strain in the next few days to fill up the tank.

Just thought I'd let you know :).

04-05-2003, 05:31 PM
Yes, we all know the feeling ;)

A word of caution - you may have stirred up a lot of mulm and bacteria changing out the gravel. Do extra water changes the next few days and watch your discus carefully for signs of illness.

Another word of caution - mixing discus from different sources without quarantine could also cause illness.

I hate to tell you this, but really you need MORE TANKS for your discus. Seriously, instead of two more discus right now, get another tank for a Q-tank . . . then get more discus ;)

04-06-2003, 12:04 AM
If there is a petco near you they have 10 gallon tanks for $10.00. It is a worthwhile investment. They make a great hospital tank or a tank to grow brine shrimp.

04-06-2003, 01:03 AM
If there is a petco near you they have 10 gallon tanks for $10.00. It is a worthwhile investment. They make a great hospital tank or a tank to grow brine shrimp.

I actually already have a ten gallon for a hospital tank... reason I didn't use it in this case is because the three discus I added today came out of the same tank I bought the previous two from (about a week ago). The LFS has a 130 full of about 40 babies :).

I didn't purchase any more today because I couldn't find anything else in town that I was real keen on. I am looking for something yellow (Golden Sunrise perhaps?) or some BD's.

Carol, if I could, I'd take a few of those yellow PB's you have off your hands... but you're about 8 hours away :(.

Thanks for the advice... the new Turks were eating like pigs the first feeding... about 6 hours after I put them in there.

I'm also just tested my tap water and found out that I can probably do changes straight out of the tap which is awesome as I can do larger changes more often. The pH was 6.0 - 6.2, next to nothing for kH (might have to add a touch of baking soda) and about 3 degrees gH.