View Full Version : Duisberg & Discus on the Web

04-07-2003, 09:48 AM
There's an article in this month's FAMA about the International Championships. Being an American-published magazine, I thought it was a bummer that they didn't mention Joe for having represented America in the placings.

They also talked about the "top" discus sites. He he only did a search under "discus websites,"and talked about Wattley's quite a bit, and mentioned the DAAH. I felt that some of the best sites were snubbed by using this method, especially this one. Wattley's is an OK site, but it's not going to educate you about keeping discus like this and other forums does. You'll also see more pics here. Whatever. Just figured the author could have done a little more research if he wanted to let the readers know where they should go for discus info.

Anyone else read this article?

-Mike T 8)

04-07-2003, 10:07 AM
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the inclusion in that list of should have been mentioned ones. I guess the author doesn't keep Discus! :)


04-07-2003, 03:34 PM
I will have to go find that magazine and check it out. Sorry that they missed ya'll. I don't know what the story said but fell that ya'll should have been mentioned to.


04-07-2003, 05:43 PM
I just saw pics from Joe at the Midwest Discus meeting taken in Duisberg and all I can say is WOW :o

The dealer display tanks were fantastic. They featured those Back to Nature backgrounds, lots of beautiful wood stands and an enormous amount of white sand substrate. Picture this: A school of ten mature red melons on white sand with green swords and driftwood on a light colored beech stand where the tank itself seemed to "float" in mid-air. Leaves ya breathless.

Joe had a pro photographer go around and take shots of the entry fish. Joe delighted in pointing out the winners from the ho-hum. Most fish were really nice!!

Jack Wattley received a large lifetime achievement award. Joe said it was heavy for a man of eighy something years, but he had some help lifting it into the air by his many beloved supporters.

It was super to see the whole presentation. Thanks so much for coming to MN Joe!! Good luck at the ACA in Cinci.