View Full Version : Update on the Fin Rot

04-12-2003, 04:10 AM
I have had an awful time trying to treat my Discus with the Fin Rot.Their fins were so bad they lost their colour and would not eat.I tried a few meds but they did not seem to make much difference.Also I ended up with water problems with using the meds which I could not fix.I thought they were going to die.I decided to get them in to some good water so I moved the fish that I have in my small tank into another tank and moved the Discus in there.It was a nightmare moving them as it added to their stress.However am I glad I did it what a difference in them.They are eating again and swimming around.Their fins are still pretty bad and I dont know if they will grow back to normal just have to wait and see.The only treatment they are getting now is a little Melafix.

04-12-2003, 07:02 AM
Good to hear they are better. 8) Fresh clean water does wonders.

Melafix + 5 tblsp salt/10 gal worked well for me (only added melafix to replacement water after initial dose, also replace salt with wc replacement water) 10 days. wc 50%/day. temp 90F
