View Full Version : RO water and Vitamin Additives

04-13-2003, 11:15 PM
I have been using 100% RO water for my discus lately due to problems with the local water supply. If I use R/O right or similar is it necessay to add something like kent discus essential or seachem discus trace or not. I am feeding the discus beefheart amont other things such as tetra bits and the beef heart has human multi vitamin and mineral tablets in it. My question is will the discus get all the minerals they need from the foods or is it necessary to add more to the water. The fish in question are young fish around the 6-7cm mark so I do not want them to be stunted because of a lack of nutrients. If any one has any advise on this I would be greatful and my fish will thank you too.

Regards Ann

04-14-2003, 02:09 AM
You don't want to use pure R/O water because it has no alkalinity to buffer the water to prevent a pH crash. Adding vitamins to the water is pointless and a waste of money.

As far as what your conductivity ought to be, that is discussed in the thread asking if the tsd's are too low. There are two sides to that question. Check it out ;)


04-14-2003, 06:42 AM
The only reason fish end up stunted is not proper feeding at the start,nothing nto do with minerals dude. :-*