View Full Version : Sick fish, help! fluttering and 45 deg inverted

04-17-2003, 08:01 AM
I woke up this morning with my largest discus, 4.5" fluttering like a fan in a southern Baptist church with no air conditioning, and his head is pointing down. His orientation is about 45 degrees down from his normal looking straight at you. Also, his stomach seems to be extended or swollen. Is he constipated? I treated the entire tank with Epson salts, one teaspoon per 10 gallons.

I don't have a hospital tank currently, but guess I can use the 30 gal tank I use to store water for wc. Should I move him?

Any suggestions??

04-17-2003, 01:37 PM
I think he is bloated, and the epsom salt should work. Patience. Frank

04-17-2003, 01:56 PM
Thanks Frank,
I needed someone to say that constipation is most likely the problem. I won't be home for a few more hours, I've been very worried. Not only that, I'm going away for the weekend. What a time for this to happen.

04-17-2003, 02:06 PM
That is when things like this always happen! Good luck. Frank

04-17-2003, 06:12 PM
I came home today about an hour ago to find the big yellow better but not normal. So after reading another post from Carol in the beginners section that was discussing Epson salts (great timing) decided to treat again. I then went outside and cleaned the filter in the pond and did some gardening and when I came back he looked much better. ;D

I was a little worried about all the rest of the discus in the tank but they all seem no worse for the wear. In fact, I've been having problems with them being shittish and today they were all at the front of the tank wondering when I'm going to feed them. They must have gotten their guts cleaned out too! :P

I think I'll wait another hour, do a 30-40 % water change, and then wait another hour and give them a small meal. Besides I like the fish coming to front of the tank and asking to be fed, they normally just hide in the back.

I don't think this would have turned out as good without all the knowledgable people and postings here on SimplyDiscus, thanks everyone, I could not have done it without you.

04-17-2003, 06:39 PM