View Full Version : white patch on the fish body

04-18-2003, 10:16 PM
i wake up today and found that there is a small white patch on the fish body, no cottony tuft, looks like is the scale and the colour also slightly darker.

i switch on my heater at 30oC and switch off last night before i went to bed (the temperature is about 28oc w/o heater on). i suspect that the fish is burned by the heater! could this be the case or could it be any diseases? this is the first time i on my heater.

please help!

04-18-2003, 10:54 PM
I can't tell from your picture, but discus have been burned by heaters before

04-26-2003, 03:23 PM
It could be the start of body rot.

At the moment one of my fish is the same.

One discus has a serious Bacterial infection and another has this area on his scales where it is lighter and looks strange (like you describe). I'll try to post a picture later.

The last fish I had with this was a tiger barb, over a few days it just ended up with a hole in its body and died. Hope this isn't the case (for both of us)
