View Full Version : Your Oppions Please

04-23-2003, 09:35 AM
I bought 2 Discus . The name that was put on them was Brazelion Blues. They are not in bad shape. I have seen better and they will do alot better now that I have them ;D OK heres the question. They will not eat anything but CBW's. I would like to get them on diffrent foods. But I want to get them in better shape, so should I keep feeding them CBW's only until they are healther or with hold worms until the are hungry enough to eat what ever I put in the tank?? :-\ Thanks For Your Help!

04-23-2003, 10:28 AM
What do you mean by "bad shape"? Do they look skinny, their fins are in a bad way, or are they not the round shape everyone prefers? Either way I think you should try to get them to eat other type of food. Varying their diet so they get the proper nutrients would go a long way to making sure they stay healthy.

04-23-2003, 06:29 PM
If you've had them 4 days let them eat cbw for a few weeks until they settle in really good. If you've had them 4 weeks and they are eating heartily give the other foods a shot.

You have to be careful . . . they might go on a hunger strike and not eat anything.

04-23-2003, 06:44 PM
I agree with Carol. Get them conditioned and make sure they're fat and happy. Maybe bump your temperature up a little bit to speed up their metabolism and make them hungry. Start to offer little tiny bits of other foods along with your CBW's... drop in some bloodworms here and there, or flake food. They may spit it out at first but most discus will eventually accept it.

I wouldn't try the "starving" method until the fish were in good shape and you had them eating CBW's well. By the way Deb, check your IMs... I think Jeff's trying to contact you about your prize :)


04-23-2003, 08:10 PM
Thank you ! KYPPYK they are alittle thin alittle skittish. I think I will just keep them on CBW's maybe mix in alittle of diffrent foods to get them use to it. Ryan I sent him a message last night. I don't know if he got it I'll try again.