View Full Version : popeye?

Patsy G
04-25-2003, 12:29 PM
Hi All,
Things have been going well for my fish since I've increased water changes to 50% every other day. Earlier, one of the four was showing some evidence of parasites, apparantly from poor water quality. I returned home a couple of days ago, however, to see they were all showing small signs of trouble. I suspect one of my kids accidently 'freaked' them out and they injured themselves by bumping against the tank sides. Aside from small scrapes, it wasn't too bad. The biggest guy however seemed to have an eye injury as there was an irregular small white mark across one of his pupils. I increased water temps and added salt at 1 tbsp./5 gallons to assist healing. Everybody looks fine, but now it appears that the big guy's eyes are protruding. As this is in early stages, I have just some doubt....but they do appear to bug out more than usual.
I read through previous postings and info and note that high temps. are not advised, and so I've turned the heater down to its usual 84° unless your advice differs. I'm about to do a water change.. I appreciate all help.
Thanks! Patsy

04-25-2003, 12:48 PM
Im no expert but i have had popeye before in a tank and i cured it with salt and water changes . 50% a day changes on water and salt at 2tablespoons per 10 gals it worked for me :) HTH you
Paul Burney

ps make sure to replace the lost salt as a result of your water changes.

Patsy G
04-25-2003, 12:58 PM
Hi Paul!
Thanks for your quick reply..
I'll go ahead with daily water changes and the salt as you've suggested. How about temps? Any suggestion there?
I am very reluctant to use any of the medications, other than salt. Also, I haven't got another tank available to quarantine and so I hope I can keep all four together while I work to improve his condition.

04-25-2003, 01:04 PM
i didnt adjust my temp when i got rid of mine so id just leave it where it is. If any of you experts are reading this please jump in :):)

Patsy G
05-05-2003, 01:22 PM
Just to let you know that I experienced success by daily water changes and salt. The popeye must have been a result of his eye injury, but he's looking great, once again.
I appreciate the advice I was given.

05-05-2003, 08:46 PM
Your welcome Patsy im glad to help you out :)