View Full Version : newbie with questions

04-25-2003, 12:57 PM
i am setting up a 40 gallon tank to eventually house 4 young discus, some cardinals and a pair of dwarf blue rams. i had originally added gravel and rocks but it was shooting my ph way to high so have decided to go bare bottom. i have a piece of driftwood with a java fern attached, some floating plants, and some peat moss in a nylon stocking hanging over the side of the tank. now, i took all the stones and gravel out of the tank yesterday, removed all water and filled with fresh. today I cleaned up any of the residue left on the bottom of the tank. as i was sitting here looking at the tank i noticed tiny white 1/8 inch wriggling worm like things swimming in the tank?? what is this caused from?? should i be worried?? i noticed maybe 4 or 5. thank you.

04-25-2003, 06:18 PM
You have no fish in the tank? Just wood, plants in pots and peat? If yes I think you need to sterilize the tank, filters plants, wood and peat and start over.

04-26-2003, 12:20 AM
hi carol, thanks for the reply. now why would i have to steralize and start over. what are these little worms from. all my stuff is brand new, heater, tank, filter, pump, the drifwood with the java fern growing and the live floating plants are the only live thing i have in the tank right now. i removed all gravel and rocks and did a complete water change yesterday. could they be coming from the plants?? that's the only possible thing i could think of. any help is much appreciated. deb.

04-26-2003, 12:50 AM
I don't know if they are coming from the plants, or peat or wood. Easier to get rid of them now (before you add the discus). You don't want to start with worms in your tank!

04-26-2003, 01:18 AM
i guess that's what'll do...i had discus years ago, and i had no problems with them living in a community tank with gravel, plants and other fish. i'm not having the best of luck setting up the tank and getting the water conditions right. i also wanted to house young blue diamond discus when everything is ready, however i seem to be having a hard time locating someone around here who actually breeds them. do you know of anyone in ontario, canada who may have some youngsters for sale soon? deb.

04-26-2003, 02:07 AM
I can't help you with a source of BD in Canada, but I will suggest a bare bottom tank to grow out your juvenile blue diamonds for at least the first 6 months . . . .

04-26-2003, 11:56 AM
Hey Debgrl, have you tried aging the water, then adding the Cardinals? I'd be willing to bet that they'd make short work of these worms if your tank is bare bottom and the worms have no place to hide. I doubt that these worms would harm your Discus, and if you're going to have a community tank, with plants too, then you'll probably run into things like these from time to time anyways. As to BD breeders in Ontario, give JimmyL a shout, he might be able to steer you in the right direction. He's in the Toronto area.

04-26-2003, 09:11 PM
hello and thank you so much...after carfully checking all my water conditions i did add 10 cardinal tetras to the tank and they are doing fantastic. they are very lively and eating everything i drop in the tank. not shy at all!! i'm sure if there are any of those tiny worms left in the tank these little guys will get them... ;) hope all is well tomorrow. deb.