View Full Version : Cloudy Eye

04-26-2003, 12:33 PM
I have two fish that have cloudy eyes. One each, the left one. I was worried that there was a disease but it is more likely an injury from fighting or getting scraped. I am treating with methylene blue... But, if there are other possibilities that I may be over looking, please let me know.



04-26-2003, 03:54 PM
Hi Gary:
Extra water changes and salt usually work too.

04-26-2003, 08:21 PM
as does Melafix

04-27-2003, 01:02 AM
Things have taken a turn and the clouding has gotten worse. I don't have any melafix but I have plenty of salt. Thanks for your help.


04-27-2003, 04:41 PM

Do massive daily water changes, replacing the salt as you go, until it clears up. If you see no change within a few days, consider buying some Melafix or and antibiotic like a sulpha compound or Aquatronics - Neo-sulphex. While most cases clear up with water changes and salt and/or Melafix, sometimes the infection gets out of control. killing tissue and then fungus developes.

04-27-2003, 08:50 PM
Thanks d_nw

I have MelaFix, they are in a hospital tank and Oh My the smell.... LOL Reminds me of grandma's home remedy for colds. This will either kill them or cure them... :-\ I'll give them an extra portion of CBW to make it up to them :D


04-28-2003, 12:18 AM
That's right, Gary. Kill them with kindness. ;) ;D ;D ;D ;)

04-28-2003, 01:07 AM
Hi there I have a similar problem with a female turqouise discus. I was wondering what dosage of kitchen salt would be the best. :) first of all I tried Methene blue -to no success then I tried acriflavine and tetracyclyne hydrochloride which seem to clear most of it all up .
However I think it may be a little worse than normal cloudy eye. At the moment i'm charcoaling out the medicenes as the treatment has went o far too long. I have been doing 30 % daily water changes in my 325 litre holding tank and topping up on medicenes.

I have included a picture of the eye to see what anyone thinks. I am new to the list but have kept discus for 10 years and normally cloudy eye had cleared up much quicker.

It has been about two weeks now

04-28-2003, 01:55 AM
Hi ozone,

Welcome to Simply. This is a great support resource site and the people are very friendly and helpful.... I hope you are not using regular table salt with "iodide," that is a last resort salt and should not be used unless its the only thing you've got. Iodide free salt, rock salt or aquarium salt only.... The picture is not very clear but it sure is big. Perhaps if you were to reduce it a bit, some of the more experienced members could identify what your dealing with.

Good Luck


05-31-2003, 06:49 AM
sorry about that pic guys I wil resubmit smaller version If anyone could help it would be appreciated- al (ozone)

05-31-2003, 04:41 PM
Hi Osone:
Do I read correctly that you've had this discus in a seperate bare bottom hospital tank with daily WC of 30% for 6+ weeks with no improvement after trying salt and several antibiotics?

ps I tried to delete the oversized picture, but did not succeed.

06-07-2003, 10:14 AM
More or less you are correct,thanks for trying to delete pic! i resize now.
I've tried quite a bit,since the pic was taken it has improved insize but it's still there. Normally cloudy eye only lasts about 3 days.whatever it is it hasn't effected the fishes feeding , but the pair in this tank have become a little skittish. I have tried salt and water changes, melafix, tetracycline,triple sulpha and also treated with prazi-(skittishness) and later metro in the food .. The pair look really conditioned at the moment lol.
However the elusive eye disease is still there and I have ran out of medicaments and figure that if it isn't killing it maybe it's not that bad.So their kind of in quarantine and they still clean the spawning cone every night none the less, even though this pair havn't laid.

The only other medicament I have is amoxacillin but are wary about giving them so many medications.

They also have been stressing out over water changes.

thanks for your reply Carol

cheers al(ozone) :-*

06-11-2003, 09:25 AM
Does anyone have an Idea what that is on my fishes eye- I hope it isn't anything viral???? It is still there ater 7 weeks tlc and treatment :)