View Full Version : HELP!

04-26-2003, 11:54 PM
i have a sick discus i belive it is an internal problem i am ordering prazzi to de worm but that wil not get here for a week i am going to move it and another one that is staring to get sick to a Q. tank what can i trat with in the mean time? its boty is staring to get a little thinner in the belly and it now today has gone very dark . what can i do?

04-27-2003, 12:25 AM
Hi not a lot of info to go on there, but just a few notes. Prazi probably won't help you here. It works best on external worms, and Tapeworms. Fish carrrying tape worms Tape worms generally show no symptoms.

sounds to me...like it possiby could be an internal protozoan, like hex. Take a look at this article...be sure to read the links listed in it. Metronidazole may be what you need...buts its a guess.



04-27-2003, 12:26 AM
You think your discus has an internal problem because it's body is starting to get a little thinner in the belly and it has turned dark today.

That doesn't give any of us much information to go on . . . .

04-27-2003, 01:15 AM
sorry for the little info. it is a planted 50g tank KH 70ppm GH 60ppm PH 6.6-6.8 (wiht injected CO2)temp 82 it hase 4 discus 2 4" 2 2.5-3" it is the 2 smaller ones that are getting sick and sick the i have had them since the end of jan the one has always had its black lines in its body the other one they went aawy after 1 week they all eat good i feed CBW every night and tetra color bits in the day with the ocation bllodworms as well. the one with its lines over hte past 2-3 weeks has been slowly geting smaller in the belly and has slowly been getting more shy it still comes out just spookes faster. but today i first started to notice it s body went very dark after i clean my plants and trimed them all( i had a bad case of blue green algea) but since then it went very dark and it looks like htere is some white fuzz or something on its body only when it is very dark though. the 2 sick ones were even starting to swim on there sides and looking very out of it. i added a bunch of salt to the tank and turned up the heat to 86 they have started to swim less eraticated and more normal but other then thta i dont know what to do. do i quorinten the 2 fish i coudl do that now or trat the hole tank it would be cheper in a Qtnak since it is a 10G but do i stil need to treat the other fish? the 2 larger ones were helthy when i got them 2 weeks ago (they were from april so i know they are good fish)

04-27-2003, 01:35 AM
there eyes are clowded over as well i have zero amonnia and 4-5ppm NO3 i use an ehim 2213 canister filter. i just looked at then again now and i see that they have lighted up a bit only half dark now but that i think is form the 86temp and the salt.

04-27-2003, 04:52 PM
Feeding CBW's, huh? ::)

Don't rule out nematodes. Prazi will be no good for those either.

04-27-2003, 05:51 PM
Cheap shot Mat! I feed my fish CBW and do not have those symptoms! Lighten up! Frank >:(

04-27-2003, 05:59 PM
if it had cloudy eyes.sounds like water quality to me.
planted tank is the suspect.
move them qbal..and i have fed them worms for many moons and i dont have a ton of sick fish.
hes getting metro. also. but if the body is dark and fuzzy and cloudy eyes...then put them in the 10 gallon and get changing water and keep the salt up. they might just get eating when they get clean healthy water.
Mat...im sure everyone knows now your against blackworms. but theres lots who are for them and have nice fish. so..carry on with your feeding regime and we will carry on with ours. no problem. also some people are vegetarians and some are not. its a personal preference.

04-27-2003, 07:43 PM
No cheapshot taken. I stated what I believe (as well as many others who have kept fish for many, many years, too) to be true about CBW's. Now, if you believe differently, post it. The difference between you and me is that you all are p*ssed off about my posts, while I simply post what I have experienced with no emotion to your posts. I could care less one way or the other what anyone feeds. However, if some novice discus keeper asks, he ought to be privvy to all's experiences and thoughts, not just those of an agreeing group.

I made no personal attacks on anyone's beliefs on this subject. Why don't you guys behave in the same manner? There has been talk between several "pro" cbw's users amongst themselves about why are they treating so much more with prazi and flube than they used to. My question to myself when hearing this is: why the private conversations? Why not talk about it on a public forum? Just a thought. Curious to me, anyway. ;) :)

04-27-2003, 09:23 PM
Hi Qbal:
yes, put them in a Qtank to treat them. Don't worry if pH is a bit higher. Are you getting pH swings from the CO2 injector in your planted tank?

04-27-2003, 11:28 PM
no my PH is very stable in my planted tank since i use a presserized ssytom i have a PH if 6.6 when the lights turn on nd a ph of about 6.6 at the end of the day. i do weekly 50% water changes on sunday and i change 20-25% one other time in the week to keep the bottom of the tank clean. i have been out for the day and just got in now i am moveing them to the Qtank now and treating with metor.
now some have said that prazzi will not help and others say is could be nematodes OK is there some sight i can goto to find out what all the diferent meds do so i understand when people say stuff.
i will trat with metro and wil have prazzi in 10-12 days shoudl i get anything ealse tomarow and use it as well? aslo woudl it help to do the 50G tank a little just incase as well? or just what to see what happens after i take out the 2 fish?

04-27-2003, 11:40 PM
I'd treat in Qtank with metro. Remember the daily 50% water changes.

If you suspect worms you would treat the whole regular tank. Cloudy eyes and dark in color are usually associated with intestinal flagellates, bacterial or viral infections . . . . not tape worms.

04-27-2003, 11:43 PM
so if that is the cas ejust treat the fish that are showing sighns and dont worry about the tank? and is there anything else i soudl consider getting as in meds since i have to get more tomarow anyways?

04-28-2003, 12:01 AM
I have not used very many medications. I just use the basics . . . . water, salt, epsom salt, metro, prazzi, formalin, flubendazole. If they don't get healthy again real fast I don't want them and out to the rose bushes they go.

I want to keep healthy fish with good immune systems . . . not sickly fish with damaged immune systems. I've learned that the sickly fish tend to get sick over and over again while the strong healthy fish stay healthy. No typhoid Mary germ incubators in my tanks.

04-28-2003, 12:08 AM
Are the sick fish eating now?

04-28-2003, 12:20 AM
ya the sick fish have never stoped eating that is the only good thing

04-28-2003, 12:27 AM
Stringy, translucent white feces? Or yellow? Or are they normal?

04-28-2003, 12:30 AM
form what i have seen they are still normal

04-28-2003, 12:48 AM
Hmmm...., well, that really doesn't rule out any of the possibilities. For one, in a planted tank it would be hard to see. Two, I have seen worms and the hex protozoa in normal looking feces under my microscope.

Do you have the metro now?