View Full Version : Zeolite

04-27-2003, 01:17 PM
i have done a couple of tank changes but my nh3 won't go down. its at about .5. i will keep doing changes. does zeolite work though? does anybody use it?

04-27-2003, 03:10 PM
:bounce2: :bounce2: Hi Mitch, i've only used this Zeolite when I was faced with a 10day hiatus & had no choice. I wanted to protect all my tanks, so I put the Z in fine mesh bags, dropped them into the wet/dry sump & fitted them into the AC300 filter & a HOT Magnum. Without control testing couldn't really make any claims 'bout it, but everyone did fine in all the tanks. They were fed once daily & had no w/c. I wouldn't hesitate to use it for an emergency. You might also consider Seachem's Prime for the NO3 problem. It'll help tide you over if your cycle is behind. One can also introduce the pothos plants (roots in tank) to keep nitrates under control. HTH, Keep up the W/Cs Dottie ;D ;D ;D