View Full Version : What is in the waste water...

04-29-2003, 02:10 PM
Well being the lazy guy that I am....I am of course trying to get ways out of changing water. Actually it is not just that. Because I can automate a system and get it done automatically. I guess I am a little concern about all the "good" water we waste.

When we make a water change are we just getting rid of nitrate? Is there other chemicals in the water that are harmful or bad for the fish. Is there also a mineral or chemical that the fish uses up? Maybe calcium or something like that? If anyone knows please let me know.

I am trying to find away to purify the water or something like that...

04-29-2003, 03:49 PM
Actually, by adding new water to the tank you introduce new elements needed by the fish. In existing (old water) a lot of those elements have been processed by the fish & plants(in a planted tank) so by adding new water you are adding new minerals and other useful elements. In addition to that, with every new water change you are removing parasites and potentially harmful bacteria as well, therefore reducing bio-load pressure on the fish's immune system.

Just my .2


04-29-2003, 03:54 PM
These two books have good infromation on water chemistry & filtration and how it effects your fish

Discus Fish by Thomas A. Giovanetti

Discus Health: Selection, Care, Diet, Diseases & Treatments for Discus, Angelfish and Other Cichlids by Dieter Untergasser


05-08-2003, 01:11 AM
O- EXCELLENT reply - full of wisdom you are.
Don't know much about what's exactly in the waste water, know it's bad for fish and great for plants. Started pouring some of the tank water during water changes into a large Peace Lilly I have that was pretty boring....in less than three weeks I had 14 flowers shoot up. I'm pouring it on all my plants now. of course it's basically become fertilizer.

05-08-2003, 04:55 PM
I heard or read somewhere that in Europe they call it water renewal instead of water change, and I suppose the water gets renewed as well as the discus! :)

05-08-2003, 05:08 PM
I agree with that. It also reduces bacterial & parasitic pressure, since you are removing a good number of them with each water change. Fish's immune system is constantly being attacked, that contirbutes to their stress level be redusing the pressure on the immune system, you get healthier and better looking fish.
