View Full Version : parasite or gas

05-02-2003, 02:19 PM
hi all,
my friend recently bought five baby discus.all are eating well except one that are not eating.he told me that it's not eating but it's stomach look like it's been eating.i wonder maybe it probably have some kind of the parasite or it have gas.what do your guys think? any way to cure it?


05-02-2003, 03:08 PM
hi Phil,
I am guessing, bloat from a blockage. Try epsom salt, Magnesium sulphate from a drug store/pharmacy, and treat the water at 1 tablespoon/10 gal. usually works in 24 hours.

if it doesn't it may be a bacterial infection. Then systemic antibiotics may be needed.


05-03-2003, 09:38 AM
I was under the impression that when treating with Epsom salts, the recommended dosage was one teaspoon per 10g and with regular salt or non-iodized?? its 1 tablespoon/10g...

05-03-2003, 01:36 PM
Yes Tristany, I usually say 1 or 2 tsp per 10 gallons, but a tablespoon per 10 gallons will not hurt your discus. . . and Al may regularly use a tablespoon per 10 gallons.

It's good to double check dosages. Some of us use different amounts to treat and sometimes we make mistakes (typos) when we post. :heart1: