View Full Version : How I eradicated flukes from a planted tank!

05-09-2003, 05:29 AM
Well, I finally did it. I formulated a method of how to eradicate flukes from a planted discus tank, without harming the plants (too much!). Here is what i did;

Step 1 -catch all the fish in the tank and isolate in a BB quarantine/ hospital tank.

Step 2- In the planted tank, do a 100% w/c then raise the temperature in the planted discus tank to 35 celcius, and keep it there for 2 weeks. I cannot vouch for all plant species, but for this period my plants of swords, anubias and pennywort did not seem to suffer at all. The raised temperature will speed up life cycle to what I believe is just a few days.

Step 3- Do daily baths in the hospital tank, and after the bath, do a 100% w/c each time. Keep tank temp @ 32

day 1,5,9 - Prazi bath
day 2,6,10 - formalin bath
day 3,7,11- trichlorofon bath
day 4,8,12,13 - no bath

Use doses that are for normal bathing. For prazi, a one hour bath of 100mg per 4 litres was OK

Trichlorofon bath 20mg per 10 litres, for maximum of 30 minutes (watch fish closely for signs of ill health)

formalin, 10ml per 10 litres, for 5-10 minutes. Aerate well!

Feed sparingly throughout the whole period.

On the 14th day do another 100% w/c in the plante tank, and if all looks good, return to the planted tank.

For me, absolutely no sign of any flukes left in the planted tank.

Also, here is a great site on flukes


Feel free to comment.
