View Full Version : but mother commited suicide with fries

05-09-2003, 02:06 PM
i thought this was the 7th 8th of spawning, it is successful, they laid eggs, hatch them i can see the fries swimming but until one moment
and somehow the female suddenly hides in a corner,they started eating the fries, a day later she died. all fries are dead too, left my pathetic male alone... not sure why...
i've try adding salt and some water change when i saw her hiding in a corner, plus heater too, but she cannot make it.........
sigh.... i dunno why she died after so much hardwork of guarding eggs, fanning them, hatching them...
body was dark and started decaying before she died......
sad case

05-09-2003, 05:51 PM
Mother died in a couple of days, but dad did not get sick? Internal bacterial infection maybe? Did the other adult that died have the same symptoms? (different post)

05-09-2003, 10:49 PM
the male wasn't sick the same way.............
only the female passed away, in the breeding tank.. left the male, now i've shifted the male back to community

05-09-2003, 10:51 PM
yup the another who died , died the same way, but that was like 3 weeks before one of my pair died,