View Full Version : do thay need to sleeping realy?

05-09-2003, 02:58 PM
Hi all
there are some questions in my mind.
do they sleep at night?or do they realy need to sleep like us?
if yes,how long do they need?

05-09-2003, 03:07 PM
:book: They sleep or could be more like resting , that's why you don't wanna leave your tank light on 24-7 they need a simulated sunrise and sunset feeling with the lights.

Often i notice that when i wake up in the morning my discus will be "sleeping" , typically there at the top of the tank or behind a decor piece.

I usually turn on a dim "house" light near there tank to wake them up slowly and not abrubtly. After about 15mins i'll turn on their tank light.

By then there awake and hungry!

Have Fun !

05-09-2003, 03:11 PM
HI franko!

They sleep or could be more like resting , that's why you don't wanna leave your tank light on 24-7 they need a simulated sunrise and sunset feeling with the lights.
I know that makes sense when you you think about it but i can guarantee you that they do well with lights on 24/7 :) all my tanks lights are on 24/7.

They still sleep, the lights don't bother them at all. and in some cases alleviates conditions where the fish freak out when you walk in the room.


05-09-2003, 03:14 PM
we had a good post on this here...



05-09-2003, 03:42 PM
I started leaving my lights on 24x7 around 8 months ago when I saw a post by brewmaster and they don't mind at all. All my fish are doing well and they even spawn and raise fry with the lights on 24x7 at my place.

05-09-2003, 03:46 PM
:-\hmm Wolf do you have shaded areas in your tank for them to retreat to? I think i'll still turn my lights off at night until I take the next step of keeping live plants then i'll decide whether to leave lights on 24-7 .... if its beneficial to both discus and plants then its all good.


05-09-2003, 03:57 PM
Hi Franko,
when you go with plants is the one time I would not have them on 24/7. The reason is plants respiration changes from day to night :) Planted tanks need dark time :) :)

also... 24/7 lighting isn't any better or worse than a day night scheme. Its just a matter of choice.

05-09-2003, 05:31 PM
:blushing:That's right huh , i forgot that plants produce more or is it less No2 at night?

Thanks for the heads up Brewmaster! :guitarist: Rock n Roll.

Far from doing live plants , Im gonna get down keeping discus just in a bb tank lightly decorated with plastic plants first ;D.

Franko :thumbsup:

05-10-2003, 04:07 AM
Do you mean co2 ?