View Full Version : No power...going crazy.....

05-13-2003, 08:51 AM
Hello all....

very sad news, my power has been out in my house for over 24 hours, I have been performing water changes as fast as I can but I have to come to work :'( :'( :'(

my power might not come back on for another 8 hours...I am a nervous wreck...this happens now...my tanks are full with beautifull fish and the new RO unit from Randall has been giving me the best possible water for these guys...

Sorry for going on about this, I am just so mad.... >:( >:(, I have stoppes feeding them as not to foul the water any more...any other suggestions on what I can do?

Thanks all...Rodrigo

05-13-2003, 09:06 AM
Rodrigo - I know what that's like... If you keep up with the w/c whenever you can and feed lightly and hopefully have some battery operated air pumps, you will hopefully pull through it okay.

Any word on when the power will be back on?


05-13-2003, 09:12 AM
I wouldn't feed even lightly. No food at all until power is back.
I would put styrofoam around tanks to keep temperature (if that is an issue where you are).
Something I did in a similar situation was to put all sponges from external power filters inside the tanks. They will not be doing much biofiltration, but the bacteria will not die.
Any battery powered air-pumps ? They don't have to be going all the time.
Good luck, Francisco.

05-13-2003, 09:25 AM
thanks for the replies...I am not feeding at all, don't want to take the chance...power should be on any time today, they still don't have a precise estimation, as soon as they find out, I will be going home to check if everything came back to normal.

Temperature is not a problem in my house, I should be fine, wish I had know about the sponges earlier, my filters are probably dead by now...yet another problem to deal with...keep on truckin.... ::)

05-13-2003, 10:12 AM
Rodrigo, I know what you are going through.We had all those bad ice storms this winter and on three seperate ocasions my power was out for three to six days. I stayed here with the fish while my wife went to her mom's who had power. I went to walmart bought six 12 volt bilge pumps that are for boats and several cheap batteries. for heat I kept the fireplace stoking and hed a spce heater in the bed room for my other tanks. After all was said and done I only lost two fish. Just keep up with the water changes and don't get to discouraged.

05-13-2003, 11:04 AM
thanks for the encouragement sgt, I hope to come out of this soon....hopefully with no losses! ;D


05-13-2003, 10:03 PM
;D :) ;) :D ;D :) ;) :DPower is back!!!!!NO losses!!!! Everyone is alive!!!!!!! And better yet!!!!!!!!! My couple has laid eggs!!!!!!!!! Go figure...these fish are amazing!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all for the support, and thanks Randall for such an amazing water treatment RO unit!!!

Very happy...Rod ;D :D

05-14-2003, 05:10 PM
I have been thinking about buying one of those surgeprotectors with the battery storage capacitor. they usually sell them for computers at best buy, but i'm sure soon eveyone will have them for their discus emergencies. they cost alot more than your normal surge protectors, but its worth it.


05-14-2003, 08:51 PM
Hi Mitch,

Something to think about, but how long will that keep the tanks going??? I think that for the normal "black-out" scenario, water changes should be fine, other than that...God only knows! Anyone has any oppinions on thematter?


05-18-2003, 07:23 AM
Hi Mitch,

Something to think about, but how long will that keep the tanks going??? I think that for the normal "black-out" scenario, water changes should be fine, other than that...God only knows! Anyone has any oppinions on thematter?


Honda Generators. Extremely small quiet, efficient, and . . . expensive. Their smallest unit should run a dozen essential appliances such as heaters and air pumps. It runs at a lower noise output than normal conversation.

05-18-2003, 01:36 PM
:bounce2: :bounce2: Jehmco's linear air pump with pvc strewn 'bout the house to reach all tanks hooked up to an inverter & deep cycle battery saved me! I love that I don't have to worry 'bout the sponge filters & all tanks have several with airstones as well! Now I have to learn how to start my gas log to heat the room & house & then I'll be set!
Dottie ;D ;D ;D

05-18-2003, 05:06 PM
If that happens again I would cover the fish tank with a sheet. This helps the fish remain calm and also reduces the activity in the tank and the fish will go to sleep.


05-18-2003, 07:45 PM
:bounce2: :bounce2: Jehmco's linear air pump with pvc strewn 'bout the house to reach all tanks hooked up to an inverter & deep cycle battery saved me! I love that I don't have to worry 'bout the sponge filters & all tanks have several with airstones as well! Now I have to learn how to start my gas log to heat the room & house & then I'll be set!
Dottie ;D ;D ;D

Yep, two deep cycle marine batteries and a AC/DC converter. One batt to run your stuff and one to be recharging at some friend or relatives with power. That or a very very very very long extention cord ;D
