View Full Version : Strange Behavior

05-14-2003, 10:33 PM
I have 2 discus together. One is a blue diamond rather large, the other is a PB (not growing). Both ate like pigs when I first purchased them. For the past few weeks it looked like the PB would only eat brine shrimp, but for the last few days I noticed real strange behavior.

The PB seems to wait until the blue diamond is no longer eating or interested in food and then picks at the left overs on the bottom of the tank.

Has this happened to anyone else? This is starting to concern me, I wonder if the Blue Diamond has the PB scared to eat all of a sudden. I really want this PB to grow. I do have another tank with 5 juvies from Cary I am going to transfer the PB to their tank in a few more weeks once I know all is well. Or perhaps a divider?


05-15-2003, 12:59 AM
Do the the BD and the PB swim together at all? If not I'd try a divider . . . This is a common problem when you only have two discus.

05-15-2003, 01:01 AM
I would get more fish...thats my answer to almost every problem ;D

Seriously tho, a competitive tank is a healthy tank!

05-15-2003, 09:21 AM
Yes they do play well together. A month or so ago I would have said the Blue Diamond was agressive towards the PB but I no longer see that behavior. Since both are healthy I guess I will just wait and see what happens. I would like to buy more fish but have little room, when the discus I purchased from Cary grow out I am planing on evening out the tanks more.


05-15-2003, 04:55 PM
:D Sounds like the BD is dominating the PB. Bd isn't harming probably just making sure the PB knows who eats first. Discus are smart enough to know when your watching them and when your not. So alot of their more Mischievious activities go unoticed. I would get more discus around the same size of the PB so he can school with them and they'll all be more comfortable . The BD will probably always maintain Supreme rule even with added fish but they'll all have even feeding opp. ;)

:P I wouldn't do the divider because why would this stop the behavior once you decide to move it again? BD may just need to re-establish "im the BOss" standpoint.

I have six discus and there's a definite "pecking" order 1 of the R.Turks is the Boss and then there's a number 2 BD. It took about 2months to them all to settle into there places and know get along great.


05-15-2003, 07:52 PM
Glad to hear the new little guys are doing well.

Also With Me and Carol by Your side You will never go a Stray.


05-15-2003, 10:40 PM
Thanks all. Perhaps one day I can convince my husband that I have room on this dresser for one more tank, until then no more fish. I want to be sure I have enough room for the ones I have when they grow out.

Cary, your fish are just fine. They scared the hell out of me over the weekend, I guess I spooked them when I was cleaning they went running into the walls and tried to jump out. This happened twice. I now leave the plant in so they can hide and vacuum around it. And YES, Carol held my hand the entire time. What would we do without Carol. I do have a question about the coloring on a few of them, I will call you over the weekend.


05-16-2003, 01:56 AM
Ok call Me tommarow

I'll be home all day Playing ;D