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View Full Version : RTxCobalt Babies at 3mos.

05-17-2003, 09:58 PM
Here's an update on my first batch of babies--a cross between Red Turquoise and Solid Blue Cobalt. They are just over 3 months old. I posted pics of the babies when they were much younger and now I have been growing out the best 30 of these. The colors seems similar to a red turq. like on most fish with a few more solid looking blue fish. The striations seem really checkerboard or almost spotted to me. Not sure if this checkerboard pattern will remain or if the spots will grow together into more continuous striations. Any ideas?

Here's a group shot (sorry for the photography but they were hungry and wouldn't sit still!).


05-17-2003, 10:01 PM
Here's another group shot

05-17-2003, 10:07 PM
Here is one of my favorites from this brood.

05-17-2003, 10:59 PM
Pat. they look great. congrats . i really like them.
guess you wont need new discus for awhile eh?
never know how they pattern will go. cobalts even have striations till alot older then they cover over. will be interesting to see.

05-17-2003, 10:59 PM


05-17-2003, 11:30 PM
Great color and size for three months :thumbsup:

05-18-2003, 12:00 AM
Beautiful fish Pat, great job. I still really like the rt's.
I have pair that keeps trying. They fight too much.
I'll have to get some of those and try another mate.
I must drive up and see your fish.


05-18-2003, 10:57 AM

I know I was dying to buy some more fish from Cary's sale but not only do I have this batch growing out but another batch (Red Royal Green x Blue Snake Skin) cross which is one month old.

Andre, Carol,

Thanks for the compliments--I know now just how much work raising these guys is (2x a day 80% wc on all the growout tanks just to keep it reasonably clean).
I think I'll wait a bit before I raise another batch after these two.

David (or anybody within driving distance to Chapel Hill, NC),

I'd love for anyone to stop by and look at them--I would love to find good homes for these guys. Otherwise I'll just bring them to some of local fish stores and who knows what will happen to them (actually a member here bought some of this batch from a LFS a few weeks ago--and tracked them to me--so they at least these I know will be in good hands). I'm planning on keeping just 3 out of this batch so I have quite a few to find homes for.



05-18-2003, 11:31 AM
Pat.put an add on simply under buy and sell and...add your name to brews hobbyist breeder post. someone might find you.
i saw one or two new guys sign on from nc.
their nice fish.so someone could drive and get them.
or..i bet you have access to oxygen at work. you could fedex a few here and there . send them from work. easy as pie....
brew or cary could instruct you on shipping. not that hard.
do what brew did. pack some up and dont open the box for 24 hours then open and check them to see how they did.

05-18-2003, 03:32 PM
Hey April,

I posted a notice in the buy/sell section (along with one more photo). I actually don't know any labs with Oxygen (lots with CO2 and Nitrogen) and so I'm not sure I'm ready for shipping just yet.

What about you? Are you getting ready to start shipping any of the manna babies? I would love to cross one of my rose reds to a nice red mana if I can get a hold of one or two. So better get 7-8 juvies ready to ship to me!!!

05-18-2003, 04:08 PM
looking very nice..

05-18-2003, 04:23 PM
not yet pat..working on it. hopefully in about 3 months. lol.
i'll let you know. still gotta work out going across the border with them to ship also.
ok well too bad your lab doesnt have oxygen. lol. might have to change your grants to one that includes oxygen use. :o

05-18-2003, 06:01 PM
Great looking juv's! I live in Durham NC and would love to drive over and take a peek at them. Ironically, I've recently looked at buying some young ones to grow out and considered Mike or Cary. Give me an at rstallings4@nc.rr.com so I can locate your home.

Bob Stallings

05-18-2003, 06:15 PM
Hi Bob,

I sent you an e-mail. These are my first batch so I'm not sure what to expect but I think they have potential. If not maybe we can go in on shipment from Cary or Mike in the future (I'm still hoping to make some space for some spotted fish one of these days).


05-18-2003, 08:28 PM

They look amazing to me! I'm sure you're a proud papa. I remember how excited you were in chat about getting spawns. Have you had fun raising them out?


05-18-2003, 08:41 PM
Thanks Ryan,

It has been exciting to see two pairs raise their young (actually I had to pull the females in both cases after about a week). I have been dreaming of that for more than 20 yrs (like you I used to breed angels when I was in high school--tried discus unsuccessfully two times before). The only reason I made it this far now is all the help and expertise I found on this board (like adding Maroxy after they lay--worked like magic to get wrigglers!). The downside was all the extra work of hatching bbs, twice a day 80% wc constantly cleaning the prefilters, sponges tanks ect. Its been a fun experience but I really miss the one hour evening wc that used to be enough... I think when this next batch is grown out that will be it for a while. Of course it would be nice to get a pair of melons going...


05-18-2003, 11:24 PM
looking Great.Keep us posted as they grow.

05-21-2003, 05:20 PM
I'm just now getting caught up on all the posts on Simply and was noticing you were looking for oxygen at labs? I just moved from AZ to CO and rented an oxygen tank and fittings for $17 from a welding supply store. Told them what I was doing and they thought it was crazy, but it worked! All my fish made it (including several adult and baby discus who were 2 1/2 days in bags with tranquilizers and heat packs). Worth a shot, if you're thinking about shipping. Sorry this is so late! Beth

05-21-2003, 08:13 PM
Hi Pat,
Everyone should know how meticulous and caring Pat is with these babies. I drove over yesterday and picked out six to take home. They are fabulous! Excepting Tetra Bits 15 minutes after release in my tank! I'm going to love raising these and keeping him informed on the progress. Pat, I genuinely enjoyed meeting your fam. and talking shop with you. It's great when this opportunity presents it self to a discus lover.

These are great fish and anyone within driving distance shouldn't miss this opp.

Thanks Pat


05-21-2003, 10:58 PM
Thanks Bob,

Great to hear the babies are doing well. These are my "first born" and I'm glad to know they are in such good hands. I can't wait to see what they look like when they're all grown up.

Your welcome to pop over anytime (as long as you don't disparage the Tar Heels)!


05-21-2003, 11:55 PM
WOW Pat 3 mths old and that much color wow they are sweet nice job what the heck are you feeding them? :) Jim& Diane :o

05-22-2003, 09:19 AM
WoW! they look GrrrrrrrreaT! Pat

05-22-2003, 10:59 AM
Hey Jim,

I've been feeding them a lot of different things: alternating ONF1 frozen with frozen beefheart, Azoo 9in1 pellets, Tetrabits, Hikari Frozen Bloodworms, and in the evening a good helping of CBW to tide them over for the night (I keep the lights on 24/7). I did feed these guys Baby brine till they were almost five weeks old and I think that helped their growth. Another batch (different parents) I stopped bbs after 3 weeks free swimming and they seem significantly smaller (but still nice round shape) than these guys at that age. I think the color is just the parents are very colorful.


I am pretty sure are still not as big as your babies of the same age--no way to keep up with you. We all love watching your fish growup almost as much as our own.

ODwyer PW,

Thanks for the nice comments--they are my first batch so I am a little extra proud of them. I still have 20 of these guys left if you want to come over and get them!


05-23-2003, 03:10 AM
i want i want!!! too bad i'm all the way in california :-[
can't wait till my pairs get going!
kimberly :-*
btw, again, great fish!

06-01-2003, 10:46 PM

Sorry but all the babies are sold now. I may have a few of a different cross coming along in a few months (they are one month old now from a blue SS x Red Royal Green). Maybe I'll put the RT and Cobalt together again and try to get a bigger clutch later this summer (when I have time for hatching bbs). I'll let you know.


06-03-2003, 05:13 PM

If your buying a tank for growing out discus I would suggest a 75g rather than a 55--you can get a nice group of 8 fish in the 2.5'- 3.5" and grow them to adult size without moving them around if you don't want. When growing out discus bigger groups seem to do better (feed better and agression gets spread around more) and it gives you a bigger set to choose from for your breeders. With just a group of 5 or 6 in a 55g I would be worried that your more likely to see a serious pecking order with a real big difference in size and health from top to bottom (then as you remove the sick lowset one it will only get worse!). Five or less discus in a tank is when I have seen the most aggression, stress and runting.

