View Full Version : urgent: EMERGENCY!!! could it be the paint??? help!

05-18-2003, 03:50 AM
ok i do my regular waterchanges with the same water and temp as always, feed my regular cbw to my tank with 10 of cary's 1.5 month fry in it, and paint the background with light blue regular old wall paint. i go to work and come home to find 2 previously perfect rsg snow fry laying on the bottom barely moving. i quickly remove them to a 20 gallon hospital tank, boot the heat to 89 and add salt. then i get to thinking about what's wrong with them, do a once over and see no visible problems. now the only thing i did differently from my routine was paint the back of their tank. does paint leach through glass or something??? please help me guys! i don't know what to do for them?!?
kimberly :-*

05-18-2003, 04:25 AM
lost one, slime coat looked as though it had peeled off. i tested the water, no change is hardness temp ect. other is floating aorund hospital tank. i booted the temp and added salt. i'm at a loss, don't think my rescue efforts will work :-[

05-18-2003, 08:51 AM
Hi Kimberly
Imposable for paint to leach threw glass however your air supply could pick up fumes and pump into your water .
shut tank down and have a look and see if you have a film on your water surface,

Don't have a clue but this may have been the problem.
Why --Because its the last thing you did before your problem
Fisheyes :crazy:
Ps add lots of air

05-18-2003, 09:20 AM
Hey Kim

That blows :-\

I have a feeling it wasnt the paint....was it latex paint or oil based? Ive painted tanks with fish in em with latex, no problems(although not as young as yours)
The reason I say I dont think it was the paint....only two fish were effected(or was there more?) The peeling slime coat doesnt add up to paint fumes either. Respiration would be the first thing effected....and the whole tank should have been effected, even if only two went belly up.

How are the rest of em doing?


05-18-2003, 11:20 AM

Discus will do this when Your filters are overloaded. try cleaning them out with your tank water.

Also 2 drops of hyde per gal will help knock it down.

Cary Gld!

05-18-2003, 11:27 AM
Hi Cary
So if bio load is the problem are they using up the oxygen in the tank
Would that be hydrogene peroxide???
Fisheyes :crazy: :book:

05-18-2003, 01:12 PM
Hi Kim:
I've had young discus overeat CBW and look pretty sick . . . .dark, breathing heavy . . . .

How are the rest doing today?

05-19-2003, 01:18 AM
thanks everyone, never found the problem. i lost the other this morning in the hospital tank. the others are all looking and acting well. i havn't changed the water today b/c my new pair with eggs is right above them and i'm afraid to disturb them. thanks for calling, cary, even though we didn't figure out what was wrong. hmm i thought about overeating or possibly a blockage but i thought it would be weird that it would strike two in one day, also, i saw no bloating. i hope this doesn't happen again, i didn't really think it could be the paint either, but that wad the only diff thing i did so i had to explore all options.
thanks again!
kimberly :-*

05-19-2003, 02:40 AM
Hi Fisheyes,

No that would be Formaldahyde 37% But this is only a quick cure. Its best to clean Your tank + filters and Change more water.

After talking with Kimmy I do not Believe that this was her problem.

Cary Gld!

05-19-2003, 03:09 AM
me neither, but then you all know what I would blame "mysterious death" on. ;)

05-19-2003, 03:58 AM
but me and them just love them soooo much!! we can't give em up, we are addicted ;D i like the clean water and they like the taste :)
kimberly :-*

05-19-2003, 07:23 AM
I think when kimmy was at school Larry creeped on over and took a peep in her window scarying the hell out of the poor little guys with his ugly mug causeing death. ;D ;D ;D

05-19-2003, 08:21 PM