View Full Version : The Discus or the Egg ?

05-20-2003, 09:18 AM
This is the first time I am trying to breed discus. My discuss has just laid eggs and I would greatly appreciate a little advice.

The majority of the eggs are white. Are they likely to be fertile if they are white ?

I am not sure I separated the female and male or two females and left the male in my main tank. If no hatching takes place would it be advisable to introduce the third discus which is possible the male into the breeding environment ?

Would appreciate any advice during these trying times.



larry lob
05-20-2003, 12:50 PM
Hello simon and welcome,

The white eggs are the dead ones that did not get fertalised.
why did you seperate them so soon?

are you sure they are female and male?

if you put a 3rd fish in the tank make sure you keep an eye on them, they WILL fight.

i suggest that if you are sure they are a pair leave them together and see what happens.

2 females can lay eggs.


05-20-2003, 09:30 PM
Hi Larry,

Thanks for you reply. In answer to yr 1st question. Why I separataed them. I have a main tank which is planted and has 300 Tetra, had 3 discus, Angel fish and a few other types also. Suddenly I saw some eggs on the wall. I covered them with wire mesh as I heard the discus might eat them. The eggs were Pink and healthy looking. Then I was told not to cover them, so i removed the mesh and immediately the discus ate the egss, they must have been stressed. I like the idea of trying to successfully breed the discus so removed the two who ate the on the assumption that they might likely be the parents, and they were close.

So I moved them to my smaller tank and created a breeding environment. 2 days later I saw the second batch of eggs. The poor mother has been watching them closely, fanning them and they are white and small and this batch look like it wont be successful.

On whether they are a pair. I have been trying to determine the sex of the largest discus, using the fin shape technique and the fin angle technique and am still not convinced. If the eggs in the first batch were healthy and fertile then the other discus I left in the main tank must be the male, but again I am not 100% sure. I could try separating the small tank into two sections and puting the 3rd discuss with the egg bearing female to see what happens.

Alternatively I guess I need to find someone to correctly sex my fish ASAP.

05-20-2003, 11:56 PM
How old are your discus? The female will lay peach colored eggs. IF the male fetilizes them they will turn dark after 24+ hours. Dead eggs turn white anywhere from the time they are laid to 3 days later. Females mature faster than males. Your female could be laying eggs and the male shooting blanks. If eggs are laid a couple of days apart you could have two females.

05-21-2003, 02:10 AM
Hi Carol,

My discus are about a year old. If they are both females, do you think I can introduce a male and if so, will the fact that they are laying eggs speed up and increase the chances of a pairing off ? Are they like on-heat ?

Regards, Simon.

My poor discuss is still watching intently over the dead eggs waiting and fanning them. So sad. :'(

05-21-2003, 02:40 AM
They may lay eggs every week for months. Sometimes it takes 20 spawns for them to get the hang of it. The only thing that would help is if you had an older proven male.

05-21-2003, 09:28 PM
Well I brought over an expert breeder to check out my fish. He cofirmed my fish are both female, and the one I left in the main tank was a male. So I introduced it to the breeding tank last night. Will see how it goes. Thanks for all the advice.

Regards, Simon.