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05-24-2003, 12:57 PM
Look here http://www.adana.co.kr/e_2p11.html

05-24-2003, 01:45 PM

05-24-2003, 04:30 PM
I like it, I want one...


05-24-2003, 05:14 PM
I gotta tellya,

this fellow has changed the way we look at planted tanks.



05-27-2003, 05:26 AM
more pics here http://www.adana.co.kr

05-27-2003, 08:24 AM
looks great. I wonder what it takes to maintain such a tank.


05-27-2003, 11:47 AM
Now that is BIG...where's the discus? :D

jeff cannons
05-27-2003, 01:35 PM
AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o Amano is the MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-27-2003, 01:59 PM
Now that is BIG...where's the discus? :D

You asked for it ... He has some discus tanks ... Hold your drool ...



05-27-2003, 04:09 PM
I have seen that bottom picture in a book... can't remember which one!!! Sweet tanks...

05-27-2003, 04:20 PM
If I ever win powerball, I'm hiring that guy to build one in my new place :)

05-27-2003, 10:17 PM
Aloha, those pics sure are amazing. Someday when I get a BIGGER house that tank will be in my doghouse because if I bought something like that, thats where the wife will put me. ;D

Mahalo Ike ;D

05-27-2003, 10:59 PM
How about this one? It's going to be housing 7 wild Colombian Greens and 3 pairs of Apistogramma bitaeniata, 2 Farlowella spp cats, 10 Corydoras julii, and large shoals of Ottocinclus affinis and Caridina Japonica.

Sorry for the glare, I didn't feel like messing with the camera settings. :-\

06-03-2003, 03:19 AM
That looks awesome Phil. I love those wild greens. I have had my eyes on a pair at my LFS for a while now. Maybe when I am back to work I will get them.

06-03-2003, 06:42 PM
That tank ROCKS

06-03-2003, 06:43 PM
That tank ROCKS

06-03-2003, 11:45 PM
Great pictures! Anyone know what kind of discus are in the second picture in H's post. Blue diamonds, and the ones with vertical bars--cobalts? They look really good. Maybe the next discus I'll buy in about a year, when I have a house, and that really nice, big tank, that I'll find used at a geat price, that I'm going to put in my house....(guess I already mentioned the house). Guess this is a good time to start dreaming--getting read to go to sleep.


06-04-2003, 12:26 AM
Holy Smokes Batman! WOW!!! :o

If I ever win powerball, I'm hiring that guy to build one in my new place :)

ROFL Al, get in line buddy! But I'm sure Phil will charge a lower price for the same quality! ;D Mates rates teeheehee

06-04-2003, 12:55 PM
WOW :o

06-05-2003, 04:49 PM
Mate's Rates? Sure, why not? I can deal with that..:)

06-08-2003, 03:49 AM
step by step...


06-08-2003, 02:44 PM
I was excited about getting my 135 gal until i saw this one. Amano's makes a 135 look like a goldfish bowl! i gotta get one!

06-11-2003, 10:35 AM
.... dream tank! amazing! :gorgeous:

06-12-2003, 11:38 AM
It is a nice tank for sure. I've always wanted a 12' X 4' X 4' tank myself. Someday.

However, I have to admit to being more impressed with the setups I see by members who frequent SimplyDiscus, the Krib, the Aquatic Gardener's Association and members of the Aquatic Plant's Digest.
Amano has a budget that is 10X that of which we have when constructing a show tank. Unlimited funds gives him unlimited potential. I am much more encouraged by what I see all of you folks doing with limited funds, space and time!

06-12-2003, 05:04 PM
I had estimated that tank to be about 4x4x10 or around 1200 gallons. The only filtration I see is the biological filter hanging in the upper right corner and the corresponding outlet jets in the upper left. I wonder about vacuuming and water changes... It is interesting that the space around the tank is enough for servicing the tank but apparently up close viewing is not encouraged. Combined with apparently small fish (I think I see two angels), do you think this is the best arrangement for this kind of tank?

Asked another way, for a large tank meant to be seen from a distance, don't you think a few larger fish would be better? I personally am not a big fan of huge catfish etc, but here is a perfect situation for some dinnerplate discus or altums or something, along with several schools of tetras or whatever. I remember a looong tank in one of Amano's books that had only a large school of neons in it. While pretty, I think it 'misunderestimates' the potential impact of such a tank, especially for those viewing from across the room. My opinion, but if YOU were in this situation, would you stock it differently?

Give me 1200g and I'd put in 10 or so altums, another school of discus, two or three schools of little guys, etc.

06-12-2003, 05:21 PM
Hmmm! I wonder how 100 discus would look in that tank! ;) Plus throw in 150 cardinals, some german rams and whatever else! WOW! Now that would be a tank I would live around.

06-12-2003, 05:52 PM
There's a sitting area about three feet away from the aquarium making it very easy to see the smaller fish. I agree totally though, that tank should be housing 20 or 30 large discus and a school of 700 of some sort of small schooling fish.

I'd personally love to see some nice plain Brown discus and Harlequin Rasboras in there.

06-12-2003, 11:00 PM
Amano has taken the show tank to a museum tank setup. WOW :rolleyes: