View Full Version : beefhearts and raw fish

05-25-2003, 01:10 AM
Animals in the wild produce huge amts of vit c (ascorbic acid) this aids in neutralizing bacteria, this is why they eat raw kill without getting sick. when a breed of animal is taken out of the wild such as dog, they lose their ability to produce ascorbic acid and can not eat as they did when wild. I wonder if the bacteria in the raw beef, fish, turkey, chicken hearts may be to high when the food was not processed correctly and the fish can not handle the bacteria load and death is the result of either ascorbic acid being reduced or even if present the load of bacteria was too high. I do not eat uncooked chicken or pork I wonder if the meat should be cooked first to kill pathogens?

05-25-2003, 05:29 AM
Think about mad cow, Jack in the box deaths, from bad contaminated beef we do pay off meat inspectors in this country.

05-25-2003, 10:03 AM
None of the statements are correct.

1. Wild animals do not produce any more vitamin C than domesticated animals.
2. Ascorbic acid does not aid in neutralizing bacteria.

If you, me, wild animals or discus eat food high in bacteria, we will all get sick. If any of us eat raw meat with low bacterial counts, none of us will get sick. Bacteria that inhabit raw meat produce a variety of toxins that can cause violent reactions in our digestive system. These bacteria are NOT pathogens, in that they do not enter our blood stream, nor do they transmit disease.


05-25-2003, 04:04 PM
And the E.Coli found in the Jack in the Box ground beef came from the intestines of the beef during the butchering process. The beef were not "contaminated".

05-26-2003, 04:41 AM
A pathogen is a disease causing bacteria, bacteria is absorbed through the small intestine as well as all other matter that is consumed. The stomach absorbs very little
matter. The intestine is highly vascular, meaning blood flow, this blood flow is used to absorb and transport matter that was consumed, weather it is bacteria, poison, food etc.
As for vit c man, guinea pigs and higher primates are the only animals that do not produce vit. C in the liver or kidneys, we must get it through diet. Man is believed to have produced vit C at one time and through evolution stopped, as for dogs they do produce less then the wolf explain that, this has been tested by Pauling and Rath, Pauling was a several time Nobel prize winner. However after more research, I am inclined to believe that beef hearts are safe, seeing how the heart is a muscle and the absorption of bacteria is unlikely. However the raw heart can become a host for pathogens on its exterior, and this is why I will cook. Now I know it is safe. Does vit C aid in destroying of bacteria, I will leave that up in the air for now. I can not find this study, however I did read on it, and to my best recall it does. Points should be clear, the debate on hearts I think is fool hearted. :) Thank You for your points of view all well taken.;) By the way this topic stomped my wife and she is in the medical field. ;D 8)