View Full Version : please God let there be wrigglers...

05-26-2003, 05:52 PM
Well its been seven days and I am currently watching my Discus spawn again. I believe this will be spawn #7. Hopefully this will be the magic number. The last 6 spawns have resulted in dead, unhatched eggs. If you guys could cross your fingers for me I would appreciate it! I want wrigglers so bad I can almost taste them!

05-26-2003, 06:05 PM
It may be spawn 7 or spawn 27 before you get wigglers. Keep us posted.

05-26-2003, 07:13 PM
Hello, I have a Wattley turq. pair that has spawned 22 times so far w/o wigglers, or even fertile eggs that I know of. I also have a gold MB pair that is raising fry from their 2nd attempt... go figure. Patience is the key... good kuck! J(Nightowl) :vanish: