View Full Version : Help with swimming problem 2 month old discus

05-29-2003, 04:01 PM
My first successful spawn is now about 9 weeks old. 14 individuals - growing great. Moved them from their original 10 gal tank (artificially reared) to the 60 gal grow out about 10 days ago and all seemed fine until yesterday. My largest fish seemed to be having some difficulty swimming - current was pushing him around alot and seemed to be tipping from side to side. I watched him eat at last feeding and he did chase the food and eat, though clearly not as much as his siblings and not as aggressively. After eating, he really started having trouble swimming - was on his side on the botom once or twice - pretty scary looking! Now he's back to the just looking a little tippy and having some difficulty swimming. He is not bloated - even after eating - when his siblings look like they are going to expode! I was thinking blockage as he didn't get to be the biggest by being a picky eater! In fact, they all eat to the point where they look like they will burst, but seem to "process" it fine. Could it be blockage if he doesn't look bloated?

Water parameters are great. I do daily 40% w/cs. The 60 gal tank housed the parents with no problems, no disease for at least the last 2 years. (parents are now in another tank).

Should I just try the epsom salts at 1 Tbl spoon/10 gals and see what happens? Any other ideas?

Thank you


05-29-2003, 09:55 PM
Go ahead and try the epsom salt, it won't hurt a thing. Did you notice this behavior right after a water change? IF so, when you do your water changes are you sure the pH and temp are the same?

05-31-2003, 12:06 PM
Thanks for the reply Carol. The little guy started doing better so I have not intervened at all yet. Just keeping up the water changes and bumped the temp up about 2 degrees. Unless the tap changed, I don;t think it was a water consistancy problem, though I had just cleaned the large canister filter that runs this tank when he got into trouble? We'll see if the + trend continues!
