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View Full Version : Fry dying???? PLZ HELP

05-29-2003, 10:38 PM
Hello pplz....

Ok from my batch of about 200...i lost 160 due to my dads error of hooking up the main filter to the fry tank and they all got sucked away...

Then a was left with out 40...

Now every day I go out there and check on em, the normal batch is down the bottom of the tank feeding... and EVERY DAY 2 or 3 are on the surface as if they are gasping for air???

Do the have a disease as I do water changes every day, i have used every single water tester I have and all is ok...

I have no idea, but I lose about 3-4 a day!!!!



05-29-2003, 11:00 PM
Wouldn't hurt to treat with Formalin. Could be gill flukes. How old are they? Are you feeding them bbs? If so the water will foul more quickly. Make sure water changes are adequate. I have found that most fry problems can be solved with clean, clean water. Don't trust your test kits.

05-29-2003, 11:24 PM
They are 1 month old now....

Feeding CBW and micropan (flake)

So what is gill fluke?


05-29-2003, 11:34 PM
Flukes are tiny parasites that attach themselves to the gills. In fry they can be fatal very quickly. If you have them in your tank, 4 weeks can be a critical time for them to cause problems. I usually treat my fry with Formalin just as a precaution. It works quickly and effectively. Do a search in the disease section and you will find quite a bit of information on them.

05-30-2003, 11:48 PM
My last two batches of fry had this problem at exactly 4 weeks. I lost every one but one fry out of the first batch. Formalin saved most of them this time on the second batch. Next time I will use it as a preventative and not wait for it to happen.