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View Full Version : BUBBLE GUM & ANTS......mmmmm

05-30-2003, 06:48 AM
Some wacked out discus finatic took some "chewed-up, gooey" bubble gum (the kind that gets stuuck on your shoe) and placed it on a patio stone. About 2 hours latter it was covered with ants. He then took it and "swished" the ants off in his discus tank and the discus wents nuts. I have been told that this "nut-bar" is going to do it again today.


05-30-2003, 07:37 AM
I've never heard of Discus eating ants....... If it works for him great!
You would want to be sure that the ants are fully cleansed though!hehe lol

05-30-2003, 09:10 AM
Well "nutbar"... :-X I MEAN JIM! ;D

Sounds like a neat idea....my first thought though....This "wacked out discus fanatic" ;) should keep a close eye on his discus after he feeds em the ants. Or not feed em toooo many at first.
A belly full 'o' ants might be hard for them to digest since they have a tough outer skin, shell..epidermis call it what ya want ;D
In large amounts it might be a source of "bungage" ;D


05-30-2003, 09:20 AM
Tony : I will pass your concerns along to "Nutbar". I have also heard that this guys grows discus sooooo big he feeds them june bugs........... ;D


05-30-2003, 09:27 AM
I have also heard that this guys grows discus sooooo big he feeds them june bugs........... ;D

DAMN!! Now those are some BAD *** DISCUS!http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/_950/wonder.gif


05-30-2003, 12:46 PM
LMAO! Jim. Tell that wacko to have epsom salt on hand :)

Actually tell I have fed them too..occassionally... sometimes they ate them others not. Some ants make a formic acid...must not taste too good.

What I did notice is they Love to eat the ants larvae, and pupae... Nice and soft and squishy I guess , and no formic acid. :)


ps... maybe you should use that ant covered Bubble as a lure...why not? when I was young and penny-less I used to use it as bait for sunfish, perch , bass and pickerel.Now that I am old and penny-less I use crank baits :)

05-30-2003, 01:09 PM
Wow! What a good idea since I have lots of ants around my house! Hmmm! I'll have to try it!

Red or black ants? Chocolate covered? ;D

05-30-2003, 01:21 PM
I have been told that the ones he is using are the little brown fella's................they don't bite...... ;D

06-01-2003, 05:24 AM
Interesting ... VERY INTERESTING .... :book: :book: :book: :book:

06-01-2003, 08:57 AM
No problem so far............I put about a hundred in the tank and the wilds ate them in a heartbeat. The domestics I think prefer their food bought at the store............they wouldn't touch them......... ;D What is really interesting is that it keeps them so busy. It like putting cwb's in the tank. I have been watching to see if they get bloated and so far there have been no problems.
I wish I could fiqure how to do mosquito's. I can catch them easy enough but I don't want them flying around the house. I could just pull off a wing and throw them in. I think I might even enjoy that. But I think that I may have a problem with our federal government since they classified the mosquito as our national bird.

06-01-2003, 09:06 AM
Hey Jim!

As fer the skeeters....why not just keep a bucket of water outside and start a "skeeter ranch" ;D Harvest the larvae before they hatch out....and feed them to your discus. From what Ive read....its an awsome food!
Im gonna try it myself here pretty soon ;D


hey RICK...http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/a0/tease.gif

06-01-2003, 09:55 AM
I am going to do that............ :thumbsup:

Thanks : Jim

06-01-2003, 09:26 PM
i had ants come in my fish/canary room on the back of my garage. in my holding tank for water i could see dead ants floating but in my tanks there was none so i got a cup and collected the ants and gave them to my dish they all loved them

06-02-2003, 02:04 AM
Jim - have you tried " COOLING" the skeeters? Try the frigde!!!

dsmith - what spieces of "dish " do you got.lol


06-03-2003, 07:55 PM
West Nile Virus only affect warm blooded animals right :o

06-04-2003, 12:00 AM
Hi guys,

Hey Tony S! Good to see you on!

I dunno what type of ants you have in Canada/USA but man there is to be no feeding of ants in Australia! we have bull ants the size of Skittles here! we also have ultra tough, ultra nasty ants that bight and don't let go (like fire ants or something) and these metalic green nasties that are not your average ant! :o :o :o ;D :D

I think I will stick to safe black worms!

PS. jim , leave a bucket of water outside and you are sure to get some mosquito larvae. The problem with doing that here in warmer climates is that you also get Malaria as a bonus :o ! ;) :D

06-04-2003, 08:13 AM
Chong : I leave a bucket of water outside here and it is ice in the morning....... ;D. It seems that you have the neatest pets over there............. ;D
Actually, I fed some more "little brown" ants yesterday to a tank of 6" discus that got bored with beefheart and they went crazy on them. What is interesting is that I posted earlier stating that when I put ants into their tank they just looked at them .............well yesterday they attacked them..........I duknow?
I have a creek in the backyard and I took some of the water out to let it get stagnent (sp). So I will try the larvae when I get some.

06-15-2003, 03:36 AM
Never tried ants before to feed my fish, but i mix ant eggs in the beef heart formula with good results. Easy to grow, i just put 2 bricks ( the type with 1 concave face on 1 side) together out behind my fish shed, the ants love the cosy cave and will build a nest in there. Then its a simple matter of brushing the eggs straight into the mix. one thing is you must take all the ant eggs in one hit, if you don't the parent ants will take of with the remander of the eggs and won't be there the next day. When i was breeding bettas, nothing would make the babies grow better and colorup as much as ant eggs....brilliant food.

06-15-2003, 03:44 AM
yukky.....our ants would not stoop to laying eggs in a brick.
ours lay in an ant hole. underground..or in nice wet wood in walls if their carpenter ants....
remind me not to be there when you make beefheart.
we shouldnt be leaving stagnant water anywhere right now jim....as we now have the mosquito west nile virus. their advising against it.
we ve had some cases here now....

Rod Coleman
06-16-2003, 03:14 AM
Ants sound good, Jim.

Now maybe you can lay out a little syrupy trail for the ants to follow right into the discus tank. Could be a great holiday feeding solution! ;D

What the heck - if they have to go under the door, over the fridge, into the next room, along the wall, over the TV and down into the tank - they have to - right? ::)


06-16-2003, 09:58 AM
LOL Rod C. you have all the answers. we ought to make you head of the diy section. how to make a self feeder.
it was so easy...and we all overlooked it.
guess canadas famous maple syrup will work well.

06-17-2003, 07:53 AM
April.......you are right about the stagnant water but I really like the maple surup idea............. ;D............just follow the kids.