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View Full Version : A little bio on....well........uh.....Bio.

05-30-2003, 10:21 AM
Hey all,

I'm here to answer the call for a little Bio info.

First of all, I'm a hardass when it comes to modding so don't piss me off. I don't tolerate fighting and serious profanity. Just like a discus I prefer my environment warm and with a gentle current. If a fight does break out or things start getting cold you may come back to find your topic gone. That would be my doing if Ron doesn't get to it first.

If it happens more than once I'll likely ask for the admins to ban you for a week or so to calm down. If it happens again after that the ban will be permenant. I'm not a big fan of "internet time" and tend to take apologies and "I've spent time thinking" on a Real Time schedule.

However, other than that I'm a pretty nice guy. Keep the waters warm and gentle and we'll all show better color.

Ok, without further ado:

I'm 26, recently married (as of the 31st), aquatics professional. I spend most of my time whoring plants and aquarium systems to the unsuspecting public. When I'm not doing that I do aquascape design and am getting the groundwork finished for an aquatic nursery/plant supply distribution business. I'm also considering heading back to school to get my degree in Botany/Horticulture.

I got back into the hobby with a vengeance in 1997 when I got a couple aquariums to spruce up my college dorm room. Aside from a thing for Oscars I've never really been into any single fish or into fish-only keeping and prefer to take aquariums as a whole creature. My main interest has gone from creating Oscar biotope aquariums, to planted biotopes, to planted aqariums, to aquascape design and growing plants. Notice a theme yet?

At this point in time I'm giving my aquarium a month to settle down and the plants to establish themselves before adding a school of discus. I'm very happy to be a part of the Simply Discus team and look forward to a long time here indoctrinating...I mean helping...all of you become better plant and aquarium keepers. If I learn more about keeping Discus from you along the way all that much to the better.

Thanks for having me!

05-30-2003, 10:26 AM
First of all, I'm a hardass when it comes to modding so don't piss me off. I don't tolerate fighting and serious profanity. Just like a discus I prefer my environment warm and with a gentle current. If a fight does break out or things start getting cold you may come back to find your topic gone. That would be my doing if Ron doesn't get to it first.

If it happens more than once I'll likely ask for the admins to ban you for a week or so to calm down. If it happens again after that the ban will be permenant. I'm not a big fan of "internet time" and tend to take apologies and "I've spent time thinking" on a Real Time schedule.

However, other than that I'm a pretty nice guy. Keep the waters warm and gentle and we'll all show better color.
LOl! :thumbsup: :)

"walk tall and carry a Big piece of Driftwood!! ;D ;D ;D ;D

05-30-2003, 10:41 AM
Yikes! No :argue: Phil will :spank:
(I better watch myself) :scared: :computer2:

First of all, I'm a hardass when it comes to modding so don't piss me off. I don't tolerate fighting and serious profanity. Just like a discus I prefer my environment warm and with a gentle current. If a fight does break out or things start getting cold you may come back to find your topic gone. That would be my doing if Ron doesn't get to it first.

Aaa! Come on Phil! Your spoiling it for me! I love a good debate/discussion!

However, I strongly support you on the 'fighting and serious profanity'! This is a family setting forum meaning that children are welcome therefore we must watch our language. Another thing is, just because we disagree on issues doesnt mean we need to 'flame' or try to insult him. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. What we at Simplydiscus are attempting to do is 'educate' individuals. What they do with that information is there problem. We must base our 'opinions' on facts (or try to) and I know that simplydiscus has many, many resources to be able to do that. I do not accept statements without evidence or facts! Its as simple as that!

Thanks for the Bio, Phil! Btw, Im also 26! ;)

05-30-2003, 12:11 PM
I'm glad we agree Ron. Debate/intelligent arguments are the stuff of improvement. Fighting, flaming, and cussing eachother out isn't.

06-02-2003, 05:26 PM
Thanks for the bio. Welcome to the forum!
