View Full Version : Worms

06-04-2003, 12:18 AM
Hello Everyone! This is my 1st time to post in this wonderful discus club. I'm new with keeping Discus and i seem to have a problem with my newly-purchased melons. I got them 3 days ago from a LFS. The store owner says that he imported it from HongKong. A day after introducing it to my quarantine tank, i noticed lots of short thin whitish worms adhering to the tank glass. I tried methylene blue added with salt with the dosage of 1 teaspoon per gallon. Unfortunately, the worms are still alive and kicking. What's the correct medication for this? By'd way, the fishes are quite very active despite all the worms in them. I need help! Hope someone can help me out. Thanks.

06-04-2003, 01:46 AM
Do the worms feel like little dots adhereing to the tank glass, if yes, those are planaria and not inside the discus.

Generally any worm or bug that adheres to the glass or skitters across the bottom of the tank is not a discus parasite, but a clean-up crew or symptom of too much food in the tank

black rat
06-04-2003, 02:23 AM
Hi Carol,
I have had these worms in the past on the glass of my tanks is it always due to too much food in the tank? ???

06-05-2003, 12:09 AM
Carol, it doesn't seem to appear like small dots. These worms are constantly moving. It looks like tiny white leech attached to the glass. It's all over the aquarium. I suspect that it came together with the feces but the feces are definitely fine coz it's dark in color. Any other diagnosis? ???

06-05-2003, 12:15 AM
welcome to Simplydiscus!!!

Those are definetly planaria. They are harmless to your fish, and can be controlled by better tank hygiene.. Wipe the walls often, rinse sponges and filters if dirty and remove wastes and food daily and you should see them decrease to almost not being there.

They are very common!

06-05-2003, 12:20 AM
This only means that i've got nothing to worry about. Thanks a lot for the help. Thank you all. :D :D :D