View Full Version : Please Help - Heavy Breathing

06-12-2003, 03:09 PM
I've had this problem for quite some time now and I want to get it cleared up. Here are the water parameters...

PH 6.8
CH 17.9 (1 drop on test kit)
GH 71.6 (4 drops on test kit)
Nitrite 0
Amonia 0

I don't currently have a way to test TDS or conductivity.

I change 50% daily using 50/50 R/O-TAP mix. Water is mixed and aerated 24 hours prior to changing.

Filtration is sponge and trickle. I feed beefheart, frozen bloodworms, and tetrabits.

I adhere to the max 10 gallons per adult discus guideline. Usually I am far less than that.

My problem is this...

The fish are breathing heavily. Most of them eat but growth is poor. After a few months, some fish develop swollen gills and have even more trouble breathing. When the swollen gills happen, death is usually within a few weeks. This usually effects the younger, smaller discus more than the larger older ones.

I do not notice stringy white feces or white spots or blotches on the skin. The slime coats seem fine. The fins are ok. The eyes are not clouded. The fish do not appear bloated.

The obvious problem to me would be gill parasites. (flukes, etc.). But I have done treatments. I have used Formalite II in the past (1 drop per gallon for 24 hours) once per week for three weeks. This did not seem to help.

I just got a bottle for formalin. I applied it at 1 ml / 18 gallons as indicated on the label. I increased aeration and changed water in 24 hours. This was 2 days ago and I am not seeing any improvement. I just lost a fish today.

Are the treatements correct? Is it the wrong diagnosis? How often should I apply the formalin?

Thanks, Jeff

06-12-2003, 03:21 PM
It must be bacterial then if you are not seeing immediate improvement with formalin. You have plenty of air in tank? Personally, I would stop the beefheart while you are treating for bacteria . . . maybe just feed nice bloodless tetra bits.

It sounds like you are doing a good job with your water.

Perhaps try a gram negative antibiotic like Maracyn two or Kanacyn.

06-12-2003, 06:14 PM
I agree with Carol. Sounds like a bacterial gill infection. Salt- lots of salt- cup per 10 gallons and keep up for a week. Maracyn 2 would not hurt also. Frank 8)

06-12-2003, 10:09 PM
I agree with the use of salt like the others suggested. What I do have is a question on how you used the formalin. I don't know if it was a typing error. Or did the bottle really say 1 ml per 18 gallons? The real way to use formalin (37% formaldehyde) is 1 ml per 10 gallons. If used at 1 ml per 18 gllons it wasn't strong enough to kill the flukes if they are the problem.

06-13-2003, 09:14 AM
No that's not a typing error, the bottle says 1 ml per 18 gallons!

06-13-2003, 01:38 PM
I Agree with Yogi. I usually use hyde (formLDEHYDE 37%) AT 1.5 ML PER10 GALLONS FOR 8 TO 12 HOURS FOLLOWED BY A 50% wc. iS THAT fORMALITE STUFF 37%? fRANK

06-13-2003, 02:12 PM
I quit using the Formalite stuff. This is just plain formalin. I'll try the higher concentration.

06-14-2003, 03:14 AM
If it's bacterial I would not use formalin. I would follow Frank's advise and add a good strong dose of salt (you'd be surprised at what a miracle cure salt can be) and maybe add the maracyn 2 as Carol stated. Formalin is for flukes and consumes o2. It sounds bacterial and if it is then your fish need all the o2 they can get...

How old are these fish? If they are juvies or older then I doubt flukes are the issue here as flukes are USUALLY not such a deadly issue with older fish.


06-14-2003, 08:44 AM
theres a product called formalin that is very weak. not 37 percent at the lfs . is that what you used? its like about 3 percent.

06-14-2003, 12:52 PM
I am new at this hobby, the latest experience i have is from loosing 3 discus. They have the same problem "heavy breathing and eat less".
I use 100% pure filtered water (Not sure it is R/O but it is very clean)
my discus's gill cover deformed and i can see the red gills.
I found out that the water lacked of minerals which is very important to fish. I use tap water that i cycled for a week after this and the fish is acting normal now. But I lost 2 blue daimond and 1 red discus.

I hope this info will help some one. Remember too clean/pure water is not too good to the fish. :'(

06-14-2003, 04:07 PM
Here is a link to the formalin I purchased. Although it does not say on the label, I was under the impression it was 37%.


Well I started the salt and maracyn 2 treatments. I'll keep my fingers crossed! Thanks for the help everyone!

06-14-2003, 06:46 PM
yes that is 37%, I have used it at 3 drops per gallon for 8 hrs, then 50% wc.

It is less effective if the more organics that are in the water.

Hope the maracyn 2 works for you. Otherwise it could be a water quality problem, ie organics, etc (that can cause heavier breathing)