View Full Version : Cichlids for Sale

06-13-2003, 11:15 AM
I have the following cichlids for sale. Am getting rid of to make room for more discus :)

I don't have picture now, but will get them later.

Wild Pair Altolamprologus Red Fin Compressicep. 1m/1f Proven pair
$45.00 pair

Male is about 4 inches and the female is 3 inches. Female is very good size. Will spawn in very large shells or caves. Coloration is a brownish color with brownish red fins.

Pair of Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis 1m/1f 20.00 pair

These are really cool cichlids. They have the shape of cyprichromis, with the violet blue neon streaks going through the body. This is a proven female. It has held babies. Both are about 3 1/2 to 4 inches each.

Trio Lepidiolamprolous Attenuatus 1m/2f 35.00 trio

This is also another proven trio. I have collected babies from the shell of these guys. Will have a good amount of fry at one time. Last spawn I pulled was about 55-60. Torpedo shape, can be aggressive with there own kind but very good with others. Male is about 5 inches and females 4.

Ctenochromis Horei Pair 1m/1f $15.00 pair

This is a mouthbrooder from lake Tanganyika. Not very common in the hobby. They are from the muddy shores in the marsh of the lake. Males can get 5-6 inches. Can be aggressive. The male is very attractive. Male gets a yellow head, with a green base body, with a whoel bunch of red spots. Females I believe get the same too. The ones I have are about 2 1/2 inches and already breeding. Little female held 16 babies. No color in them yet, but will when they get older. Will have photos later.

Aul. Super Sunshine. 3 qty. 8.00 each

I know for sure there are two males. People who have seen the super sunshine peacock i had in the photos of my fish, they know the male is super yellow. They are from the same generation and will look like that when they get older.

Any questions please e-mail me at wolfslider@hotmail.com or PM me. Will ship. Thanks :)
