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06-14-2003, 08:25 PM
Hi to all of you … first of all I want to thank you for this wonderful site I Really enjoyed reading your exiting topics and the advices provided by experienced discus keepers such as Carol and the other Guys

I bought new Discus breeding pair they are really nice the size about 4" or so … they are not shy in the tank, bright colours and good swimmers but they don't seem to be like a bonded pair the shop owner he granted to me that they are male and female he said they are not pairing because they are disturbed in their current environment because they are kept with many Cat fish and a turtle he said when they settle in your tank with quiet environment, right temp and Ph level they will pair and may breed in a month time after settling …. By looking at the pair in the pet shop I witnessed things such as one of them was gently biting the back of the other one or it looked like to me he was cleaning the back of the other one… I also so them swimming very close to each other its like they are stick together from the sides but when this occurred it didn't take very long and I also so them coming towards each other backwards so their tales touch.
the shop owner he said late on the day they swim around each other… I am not really sure of their gender I am taking the word of the shop owner

I need your advise in the following aspects plz

1)   the Ph level in the pet shop tank is 7.8 what is the best Ph level to set my tank at , will they breed at 7.8
2)   how often shall I do a water change, and the new water I add to the tank what shall I do to it before I add it to the tank
3)   about the hardness the pet shop owner sold a buckwood he said it comes from the Amazon and softens the water all the time.. how can I test the hardness of the water… and which is good for the Discus
4)   he sold me a (NATIVE WATER CONDITINOR) he said I apply it when I set my tank and its gonna make the water conditions perfect for the Discus I was wondering when I do the water change do I have to apply this Conditioner all the time … he said only when I set it and its enough…
5)   how do I feed them beef heart, shall I do something to it before feed it to them
6)   my last concern, what is the best conditions for breeding…

I am really sorry for this long post but I am really hopping that you can provide me with all the details I will be very thankful
My best wishes to you all
Many thanks :-*

06-14-2003, 08:55 PM
hi . and welcome. first off. glad you like our site. keep reading.you have lots you can learn.
i will start with a few easy answers.
how big is your tank? and hopefully its bare bottom and a sponge filter if you want to breed them.
wc every day about 50 percent. and vacuum the bottom. dont leave uneaten food around. to condition them...live food is good...like red wigglers or blackworms . or...a varied diet. one flake that is good is onf1 flake or...tetra colour bits. as for beefheart...go to foods and nutrition and there should be recipes there. most of us mix and blend and add stuff then freeze in a zippy .
as for their breeding signs....one is to see them swim up top of the tank facing each other and do a bow. heads down toward each other.
the male also does nudge the middle of her sometimes if he wants her to spawn. sometimes when close.the female has a bulge in her tummy. they also do swim close togeather and they should start staring at a spot. give them an upside down terra cotta flower pot. they may start pecking and cleaning it if their close.
it may take them awhile to get used to their new environment.
alot of time when you do a wc if you drop the temp a few degrees it encourages them.
as far as your ph and hardness goes...if your water is too hard then you will need it softer. ph should be steady. if you have high ph you may have hard water.
for now id just watch their motions and see if you get eggs. and watch to see if when their spawning the female lays eggs and has a wider breeding tube.and the male has a pointier one. then you can see if in fact you do have one of each. then..if you get all white eggs..you can start working on your water.
all takes time.
in the meantime read the breeding section and the food section and the water section etc etc etc and start absorbing info. the more you read it the more it will make sense . lots to absorb.
a s far as all the natural habitat water conditioners.id say put them on the shelf for now or always. and keep your wc up and keep your water same parameters all the way. changes are very hard on them.
forget the native water conditioner and the whatever wood for now. just dont go up too fast in ph or down too fast.
can you find out what your kh and gh is? get a water hardness test kit. maybe post in the water section. for advice.

06-15-2003, 12:00 AM
April has given you very good advice.

To begin with let the discus get used to the water at your house. Don't try to change pH or hardness or anything else just yet.

AS April said you want a bare tank with just a sponge filter, heater, thermometer and breeding cone or upside down clay pot. IF they are a pair they will soon be pecking at the flower pot.

4 inches is not very big - do you know how old they are? Some strains are smaller than other - what type are yours?

If the eggs don't hatch your water may be too hard. You can buy test kits to measure your pH and GH (hardness) at most pet stores.

With a pair in a 30 gallon tank you can change 25 - 50% of the water each day. I don't use any additives. Discus like clean, warm, water that is the same each day.

My pH is 7.8. I put my change water in a big plastic barrell and circulate or agitate it for several hours. This releases carbon dioxide, stabilizing the pH. There is also a heater in the storage tank.

I hope you enjoy your new discus.

06-15-2003, 06:31 AM
First of all thank you very much April for welcomeing me here ... I really enjoyed reading the infos. you wrote... my tank is 20gals, bare buttom, filter and heater.
for how long shall I change 50% of water is it every day for one week or every day for ever .... if I have the filter do I have to do a wc with the same % (50%)
I was told that the water in our area is hard can you tell me plz what can I do to it before I add to the tank ... do I add it to the tank from the tap straight won't it hurt the fish ... or I have to age it for some days and then add it
many thanks to you
all the best ;)

06-15-2003, 06:40 AM
Thanks a lot Carol for the reply and the valuable infos.
my discus is Blue Turqs. I am not sure how old they are but I will ask the pet shop owner... you said that your Discus at Ph of 7.8 do you think they might breed at this level of Ph or it has to be 7.2
many thanks to you
all the best :)

06-15-2003, 07:01 AM
Best to do the water changes EVERY day if possible,as was stated...one of the MOST important thing discus need is CLEAN,CLEAN water...ph isn't all that important in breeding,water hardness is...so if you have the ph stable at say 7.8 or 7.6 try to get the hardness to around 100 ms or so,if you say you have hard water,then maybe you might have to have an R/O unit to soften your water...check out the water and breeding section on this forum.
Most important thing you can do now is watch your fish,keep them in clean water and read,read,read the boards,most every thing you need to know id posted some where here.
Good luck with your fish.


06-15-2003, 07:21 AM
Thanks Mench for your advise I will do my best
all the best ;)

06-15-2003, 10:02 AM
your welcome.
one other thing...if you can..is i would get a 30 gallon tank instead of a 20. a 20 is bare minimum. and if you ever did get them to spawn....your water quality would not stay welll.
so keep your eyes open for a bigger tank.
your wc are forever especially in a small tank. lol.
i would just watch your fish alot and get to know how discus mannerisms etc. and when thier happy or sad. if their not happy they will show their bars alot etc.
they may be still farily young....and just become a pair. hard to say. with good care they may grow more yet.
im not experienced with hard water..so best to go and ask in the water section. or someone else here may know.
i wouldnt worry for now about your hardness. id let them settle and get in great condition etc and find out if they lay before you start working on hardness. you get good growth with harder water and you may be able to put some more size on them and they may fill out yet.

best if you can age it for a day. with aeration and a heater. then your ph will stay the same as what the tank is and gas off etc. makes for happier fish. id get a big bucket. at least you wont need a huge bucket. get a garbage can . round if possible. or.....if you did get a bigger tank..then you could use your 20 for a medical tank or water storage.

06-15-2003, 11:49 PM
This is great info.

