View Full Version : Where do I go from here?

06-16-2003, 03:09 PM
:bounce2: :bounce2: Well, been trying not to encourage this, but the RedSS have a small #babies that seem to be 'making it" so far. This is day 5 free swimming & I'm actually feeding them BBS, they ARE growing in spite of me!
Found couple at the top still swimming, but they're gone now, so guess the 20 or so (maybe less)will stick 'round awhile. Since I didn't treat the adults for flukes, thought the babies wouldn't make it. Where do I go from here? Just let them continue or not? Feeding the parents Hai feng & froz.BWs & CBWs, now w/c everyother day? Should it now be every day? If they make it to 3 wks, start other food, move them out? How soon can one take them away from the parents? What should I look for now? This is all practice for them & myself, lol, Tia, Dottie :o

06-16-2003, 08:05 PM
Hi Dottie:


It is important to keep the tank very clean. Bbs foul the water quickly. I only feed cbw to adults during this stage. I vacume tank and change 20% water twice per day. Wipe down glass as needed. Rinse sponge filter every few days.

Try to feed bbs 6 times or more per day.

At two weeks babies will start nipping at cbw and by three weeks can eat them and crushed flakes or bits (stop bbs)

06-18-2003, 12:06 PM
Thats great news Dottie. It sounds like your trying to avoid what what most are trying to acomplish.
One thing I noticed with my first spawn is that when the water level goes up to the dark plastic rim of the tank the fry can't find or don't attempt to find mom and dad. This might explain the ones at the top that didnt make it. I now keep the level 1/4 inch or more below the rim on breeder tanks.
The only other thing I would add is that I have good results with ONF F1. after 3 weeks or so. Move the fry after about four weeks. They should be eating most foods around that time. HTH Rich

06-18-2003, 04:41 PM
:bounce2: :bounce2: Gosh Carol, this is just too much work, got in last pm after office hrs, had to do 11pm baby foal feeding (only takes 8 mins, just late), then realized had to w/c the new "babies", which I did manage. Wouldn't be too bad if I didn't have the hosp, & if I did have more stamina, hahahahahahaha, hope it comes back soon. While I got set to do w/c noticed that those little critters were scooting all over the tank bottom, looked like mom & dad had lost total control. lol Had to be careful, but they all did fine..
& Rich, YES, I was trying to avoid this, but these 2 fish were tormenting the rest in the community tank. So, what could I do?? lol, & also, this 65ghex is not full, thought it was really too deep, so I left 'bout 10+" from the top. They are all doing fine so far, but I expect anything can happen from what I've read. The biggest concern I have right now is the fluke deal, & I have no idea how many there are, I'm sure less than 20. lol, practice, right??? Dottie 8) 8)

06-19-2003, 12:33 AM
Hi Dottie:

If you can keep up with the water changes you may not have a fluke problem.

I was thinking after I posted and I do like 10% WC 2 or 3 times a day at first and 20% when they are bigger. You want to keep the water params constant for the little guys. You will quickly get a "feel" for how much water to change and how fast to move in the tank.