View Full Version : tuna instead of beef heart????

06-18-2003, 08:38 PM
a friend of mine makes his own discus food with a similar recipe to most bh recipes. instead of bh he uses tuna. has anyone else used this before? he says it doesn't foul up the water and is good for the discus. i'd just like to hear anyones thoughts and experiences using it as i'm thinking of giving the recipe a go. i have never used bh because i am new to discus and was a little unsure of it because i have heard it fouls the water too much.

thanks everyone

06-19-2003, 01:24 AM
I have never used Tuna in B/H before. I guess as long as it is packed in water or even fresh it probably would not hurt. Have you tried salmon in place of B/H? It does not foul the water near as bad as B/H does.


06-19-2003, 08:44 AM
Many Asian breeders use tuna and other salt water fish instead of beefheart as the beef is expensive and fish relativly cheap in their countries. Works real well.

06-19-2003, 11:01 AM
I bought a Wattley frozen cube that had tuna instead of beefheart. It was about a year ago so I dont know if its still around. The fish ate it but they didnt attack it like beefheart. Over time they probally would have adjusted. I dont go to the LFS that carries it very often. Thats the only reason I didnt continue. Rich

06-19-2003, 11:06 AM
Hi Matt,
I have tried canned Tuna ( not The fresh stuff) that was packed in water and found it to be too oily, and My fish didn't really go crazy for it. I wound up with an oil slick on the tank, and cloudy water when they picked at it.

Fresh tuna may be much different, but here that would run me about $5-7 a pound.


06-19-2003, 01:54 PM
Check with your local butcher or fish monger on the price of "Blood Tuna" it is the very dark red part that many trim off and toss. Its pretty cheap and my fish love it. I feed it raw (frozen) if you break it up and squeeze it between some paper towel or news paper you can get a TON of the moisture out. Try and feed it in bite size pieces to avoid it getting all over.


06-19-2003, 02:31 PM
Alberto from Aquatechnics uses a shrimp mix instead of beefheart. His fish look great so I would think that it goes over well. He has the luxury though of getting cheap shrimp from roadside vendors and even then he said it was expensive.

Im fortunate enough to be able to get pre-ground up beef heart. So I have stuck with the beef since its quick and the fish love it. Its pure beef heart, not a mix. My fish get that usually twice a day and pellet of flake for the other meal.


06-20-2003, 02:12 AM
i'm going to use my mates mixture for the first time hopefully in the next couple of days. i'll keep you posted on how it goes and if the fish like it.


06-20-2003, 03:15 AM
Hello all, there was a Wattley formula by Ocean Nutrition that had tuna instead of beefheart but it was discontinued about 1 year ago; not sure why. I used it, my fish liked it as much as they liked the regular Wattley stuff, but I didn't use it long enough to see if it was "better". BTW, when I make my own food w/ beefheart I always throw in a sm. flounder fillet (yes, my fish eat well!) but have never used tuna in my own recipes. Later, J :vanish:

06-22-2003, 03:32 PM
Do not use canned tuna. It is not raw fishmeat. I have used fresh tuna and the discus ate it well. I use salmon mostly now because of the cost factor. Fred Meyers has whole salmon on sale in the paper today for 98 cents a pound. I add squid, octopus, and some other seafood tidbits, as well as some 99% fat free ground turkey breast meat.