View Full Version : 2 Problems, I need help please

06-22-2003, 11:51 PM
Hi guys, ok this isn't about discus, i'm still doing the reading, but i thought everyone with their vast knowledge here could know a thing or two about these questions, thanks for feedback.

1) My water in my 70gallon tank has just started to turn cloudy for no apparent reason. It was fine for the month or so it has been set up and i add a mini aqua clear and it plays up, this is not a lot of water flow, i can't imagine it is this filter causing the problems.

2) My lemon tetras (one in particular) has a bad case of some disease. It looks parasitic, it's grey and blotchy on the middle of its body and spreading to the tail. I thought it was ich but some "white spot" cure has done nothing with claims to cure ich. Now it is possible the product has caused the cloudiness but i've been doing regular water changes a day or two after applying. Does anyone have any ideas about what ELSE this disease could be on the fish? I'm scared i'll start getting a lot of casualties, thanks,


06-23-2003, 09:25 AM
the things I've found to cause cloudy water are 1. bacteria blooms 2. algie blooms 3. chems added to your water. what I would do to address each is to start with a good cleaning making sure their isn't anything rotting (bacteria), clean out your filters make sure they are not gunked up. next I'd think about any changes that have happened in the past month. is this tank geting direct sunlight? it seems that a lot of people will suddenly get a algie bloom in the spring and fall as the position of the sun changes. last consider what your adding to your water. some chemicles, when added to hard water will cause it to turn cloudy. the one I had experiance with was sea chem's discus buffer.

06-23-2003, 10:26 PM
ok so how do i know if it's a bacterial or algae bloom? I'm thinking it's algae because i've had a real problem with it growing on my gravel due to a lot of light, however my plants are growing really well and i don't want to cease my success by reducing the lighting too much. Possibly it is the med i put in the tank, how can i differentiate? how do i know if the algae is rotting in or under the gravel?

my water's at 27c (80-81F) and is soft, ph 6.5 / dh 4-5

thanks for the reply, much appreciated,

06-23-2003, 10:54 PM
i've done alot of research on cloudy water and green water. the only thing that has worked for me is daily 50 per cent water changes until the water clears up. after awhile of this i gradually cut back my water changes and the cloudiness or green water doesn't come back.

06-23-2003, 10:57 PM
Awesome thanks a lot Acorn, sounds like a plan,
I've noticed doing water changes that after i'd added the fresh it does look clearer, i just wasn't sure if it would ever 'stay' good!
