View Full Version : Advice Please

06-23-2003, 11:01 PM
Hello, I have a tank with 6 Discus and about 10 or so Cory Cats. ;) Anyways, one of the Discus had white feces tonight and I am just curious as to how to "cure it." ??? The temp is at 83F with a pH of 7.5ish. Daily water changes of 50% and feedings 3 times a day of frozen and dry foods. What could I use to "clean" the fish safely? Your help is really appreciated. :-\ Thank you.


06-23-2003, 11:52 PM
Wait and see if this discus is still pooping white tomorrow. Just like people they can get a digestive upset, poop muscus and be fine the next day. You aren't feeding white foods are you?

06-24-2003, 07:48 PM
Well, today it is still pooping out white feces. I found some on the bottom of the tank and some coming out of it yet. :-\ I am not feeding anything white so this is a red flag in my mind...thanks for your help Carol! ;) What steps should I take now? Thank you.


06-24-2003, 07:58 PM
If the white feces are segmented, then prazi is best IMO.


If not segmented but slimy then possibly hex, treat with metro.

The dose of Metro I use is

add 400 to 500 mg/10 gal water
do this every 8 hrs
for 3 days
temp 94F for 10 days.
50% wc/day


06-24-2003, 09:06 PM
or.it could be shooting out stomach linings.
i have a male who does everytime he has eggs and fry.
then he eats again and fine. but he goes off his food while caring for fry. stress maybe?