View Full Version : Wits end

07-04-2003, 10:21 AM
I am at my wits end with cloudy/brown water. I have a 29g tank, 3 discus all the size of a females palm. I am running 2 filters, whisper1 & whisper 2. I change 50% every single day. Have never missed a single day. I did a 90% wc on Monday and it cleared for 2 days only to come back. I have BB with some large tree stump plants for decoration. My ammonia on monday was a little high .03 but last night when I noticed the cloud again it was .0. I tried using acurel-f but it did not work. This has gone on for at least 2-3 weeks now. It is not a new tank.... I have 2 sponge filters in each of the filters, 3 are established and 1 is new. I also tried putting in a carbon insert in each. I have another tank right next to it, with 4 disucs same size tank and only running whisper 1 and it is crystal clear. Use same water treating chemicals, WC regime, feeding habits...

Any one have any advice..


07-04-2003, 10:54 AM

Check your ammonia and nitrite in that tank. You may be describing a biological bloom, and ammonia readings in your tank support that idea. Check your nitrite level and keep a close watch on the ammonia level - hopefully your filters are happy.

large stump plants = driftwood? Could you be describing tannin stained water? If wood is new, it will continue dying the water for awhile.


07-04-2003, 11:20 AM

Bacterial bloom for nitrogen cycling is white, not brown. The problem appears to be the tree stump breaking down, both physically and biologically. Recommend you take it out. Its not doing anything for the discus. You might be getting some pH drops as a result as well.


07-04-2003, 11:29 AM
Let me explain more. This tree stump plant is from Penn Plax. It is more of a decoration for aquariums. It is not real wood. So I do not think that is the problem. Carol has been trying to sell me on the Aqua Clear, I think I may go and get one today...

07-04-2003, 11:53 AM
Just tested the water. Nitrite 0 Ammonia .01. I also got to thinking about the penn plax plants. I have the same plant setup in the crystal clear tank!!! Well I think I have made the decision I am going to buy the aqua clear.

07-04-2003, 12:01 PM

Agree on the color of bacterial bloom, but did note that she had an Ammonia reading this week.

Now that we've identified the stump. You say it takes two days for the water to cloud. Having just gone through a bout with the ever present how cleans in a planted tank, I will suggest that your stump can do an absolutely amazing job of hiding away bits and pieces of waste (fish waste and food waste). So, give this a try. About a half hour after a healthy feeding, reach down into the tank and deliberately disturb the stump. See wether or not it's trapping solid waste in your tank. Also, you must move it and wipe it to keep it reasonably clean.

That's about the extent of the help I can offer. But, I'm an aquaclear fan too - I really love the design. And ... they're dirt cheap <smile>. If you're in the US, do carry a printout from Petsmart with you to the local store - it's nearly a 50% discount coupon.


07-04-2003, 01:48 PM
You can always take the stump out for a week and see if it makes a difference . . .

07-04-2003, 04:31 PM
Hi Milton,
The tree stumps come out every day when I water change. They are shook and placed in tank while I finish the tank duties. I am ordering the Aqua clears right this second....

Hi Carol,
Your IM about the prefilters I found working on the AC convinced me.. ::)


07-04-2003, 04:48 PM
Last update:

I just ordered 2 AC 300 from pet solutions. I did a 90% WC and the water is better for now. I will do one every day till the filters arrive. Carol, how long does it usually take?

Thanks everyone,

Karen (who is anxious to be able to see the colors on my fish soon)

07-04-2003, 06:34 PM
HI Karen:
It will take about a week for them to arrive (maybe more with Holiday?)

Remember to put the cycled media from the Whispers in the Aqua Clears. Order two extra sponges also. Then it will take a week or two for the sponges to grow more good bacteria before you can throw out the old Whisper media.

07-05-2003, 10:41 AM
I bet a potassium permanganate tank treatment would clear that up in no time...it would be a temporary solution until you got your filtration under control ;D

07-05-2003, 11:54 AM
Well the water is clouded up again.. Tristanyyz, I am going to LFS today and will pick up what you suggested. Hurry filters hurry....

07-05-2003, 01:35 PM
Hi Karen:
You will not find potasium permanganent at your fish store. It is an oxidizer that eats (burns up) organics like bacteria. It will kill your filter if you run it. As much as you clean I don't think PP is the right choice for you.

I'm not sure what is tinting your water brown. Usually bacterial bloom is white, algae bloom is green. Try to keep your ammonia at zero with water changes. Pretty soon your tank will stabilize.

07-05-2003, 01:59 PM

If you live in canada, the filters will take at least two weeks to come. Just my experince when ordering from pet solutions....( the Canadian border guys and gals will RRrrriiiiip your boxes open and inspect everything, then when they feel like it they will sort of put it back together and send it on its way)

If you live in the US...then NEVER MIND! :D


07-05-2003, 03:09 PM

You need to slow down. Do as Carol suggests, keep making water changes. When the filters arrive, use the old sponges. Do no harm and your fish will be okay. Don't start throwing stuff into your tank. If you keep up with the W/C's, everything will be all right.


07-05-2003, 05:33 PM
Well lucky for me I did not find it at the LFS. I did another WC and it looks better then it has in a long time. :o Carol, I also picked up prefilters for my new filter. I decided not to feed brine shrimp to that tank for a few days and see what happens.

Thanks everyone. I can feal your concern. It is nice....


07-05-2003, 06:55 PM
I think Willie had the best advice.

I know for myself I want instant results sometimes. Lots of things just take time with Discus.

I use potassium permanganate in very small doses as a preventative measure, more against external parasites. I do a treatment about once every 2 weeks. The fish dont mind it at all, its so mild. Its a nice way to spend 3-4 hours with your fish, uninterrupted...as you must be present at all times during the treatment. When you are done, the water is completely clear. I have never had a problem with my filtration after a treatment. Possibly because I use lots of filtration.

Prior to me using PP in my tank, I had a bioload problem. Cloudy water, and I had brown water from driftwood. It takes time, especially for the cloudy water to get under control.