View Full Version : can pecking orders change?

07-12-2003, 01:01 AM
o have 2 red turks 2.5-3" 1 gold snake 3.5" and 1 rose red 3-3.25" up until now the rose and hte snake have been on the top of hte pecking and hte smaller of the 2 turks has always been pushed away by them the last few days expecially today i have noticed the smaller trurk really chasing hte rose around every time it sees it to the point it is hiding in the corner of hte tank behind plants very unlike itself (like it is scared) so what i am wondering is is this normal or coudl it cause this fish to much stress?

07-12-2003, 01:50 AM
Yes. Stress will be part of their life.
Dominance / compation/ survival/ .

Or just struting his stuff.

If the aggression persits, seperate them.
