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View Full Version : What fish do i need to get rid of for discus?

07-17-2003, 06:13 AM
I would b very greatful if someone could tell me which fish from the following list i need to get rid of to keep discus

neon tetras
rummy nosed tetras
figure of 8 puffer fish
clown loach
gold barb


07-17-2003, 07:44 AM

I would set the discus up by themselves.

This seems to work the best.



07-17-2003, 08:14 AM
I also would agree with all of them. Once you get into discus, you probably won't miss the others any way. Cause you'll always be figuring how you can come up with more tank space for more discus! It's an incurable disease, but at least it isn't fatal! Depending on your situation, you might get another tank for your discus or some of your other fish and then you would already have that second discus tank. :)

07-17-2003, 10:44 AM
Agree with above.

But, your tetras and possibly your clown loaches might work with adult discus. I'm drawing a blank regarding the platty's. But, you definately need to lose the puffer and the barb.

Understand that you need to adequately address the clown loach tendency toward nocturnal activity. Discus tend to freak out if they are awakened suddenly. So, think larger tank, lower fish density to improve your odds with the clown loaches.

And, you need to be realistic about the Tetras. One day, when you haven't fed as much as the Discus like, or when the Discus were just plain bored, you will start losing Tetras. Probably the neons first since they are an obvious fit in the Discus mouth, but they can handle the rummy noses too.

That said, there is a lot of discussion about suitability of tank mates on this forum. It would be a good idea to get "all" sides of the story before you try this. It isn't impossible, but it might make what already seems complicated seem impossible if you miss something the Discus don't during their introduction. Stressed Discus get sick.


07-17-2003, 05:59 PM
I have Neon Tetra's and clown loaches with my discus. As far as im aware they are getting along!

07-17-2003, 08:02 PM
I don't keep any other fish with my discus

07-19-2003, 06:40 AM
Thanks for all the good advice. I did have another tank but i have just sold it due to lack of space. The tank i have now is 180 litres so its quite a good size. I would like to keep a ew fish if possible as i have had some of them a very long time. When i woke up this morning the gold barb had passed away. I really want to have a go at discus keeping, its just the platties really that i am unsure about.Anyone any suggestions on them?If they need to go then obviously I will have to take them to the local fish shop. Thanks again. Any more advice greatly appreciated

07-19-2003, 09:06 AM
Not to sure about the platies Perhaps you would be better taking them back to the LFS and getting something like Cardinal tetras, Emperor tetras,etc corries . a pair of rams .. there are also loaches and other species you can look at ...



07-19-2003, 10:51 PM
Since your tank is only 45 gallons, I would just keep 4 discus and no other fish. If you had a large (75+ gal) tank I would suggest a school of cardinals and some algae eaters if you had plants.

07-20-2003, 08:39 PM

You should understand that keeping discus has become quite an obsession for people on this forum because they are very difficult to maintain. (There are no forums for platies!) ;)

Most people on this forum find keeping discus rather easy. Why? Because they have made changes in their fish keeping habit to adjust to the discus.

1. They've taken out all the plants and the gravel.
2. They've removed all the other fish.
3. They've started regular water changes.
4. They maintain scrupulously clean tanks.
5. They quarantine everything.
6. They buy the best stock.

If you do so, then discus are rather easy. Breeding, however, is a different matter...

As I see it, there are two ways to approach this. Do it the difficult way by making the discus adapt to your needs or do it the easy way by adapting to the discus' needs. You can tell who does the latter. They stay on the forum for a long time. :D :D :D


07-21-2003, 06:24 AM
Good Point Willie :) If I was to be honest I would in future Go the BB way it was only because of out of duress from Er indoors that I had to make this tank planted or the deal was off :-\
I also had to go the Adult way as it would not have been practical for me to keep Juveniles in a planted tank so as you have put it I had to compromise ...

I am now looking at getting a 50 Gall tank wich will be BB my tap water is spot on for Rasing Young discus in that it is Kh 1 Gh 2 and comes out at 7.0 Ph Ive been forced to use an Ro unit due to the amount of Phosphate in my tap water wich was not good for the plants (to much algae)

my next set up will be KISS (keep it simple and sweet) bare tank large sponge filter and large water changes with aged water heated to the same temp that with plenty of good food and of course the obligatory quarantine ...


07-21-2003, 11:27 AM
No way you can keep figure 8 or green puffers with discus because of 2 reasons:
a) puffers are very aggressive and will nip your discus, possibly to death
b) the mentioned puffers require BRACKISH water, with lots of salt and hard water. Puffers require at least hark and alkaline water while you discus requires the reverse.

I would also say that the barbs would be too aggressive but the rest sould be fine.