View Full Version : Carol, anyone that can help?

07-20-2003, 11:03 PM
.....i have opened the topic under " what's best for flukes" but I did not get many responses there and i really don't know what to do here .... i assume the fish has gill flukes somehow transfered from my QT to ST , scraching themself against subjects, swiming back and forward like is looking for something fins colapsed and the pectoral fins are not moving at the same time like i don't really know how to explain this i don't see any hard breathing yet and the gills are moving if they swallen or changed in color i am not sure it looks fine i think... what to do ? i have rised the temp in the tank put salt in it what's next? please help

07-20-2003, 11:16 PM
Hi Karina,
probably your best bet is to try a LFS remedy... Fluke tabs, Clout, parasite clear, life bearer...etc

Most are pretty safe when used according to the manufacturers recomendation.

Other options... Formalin if you can get it.

Flubendazole from Florida tropical farms...

or Praziquantil...

Since you really don't know if its flukes or a protozoan.. You may want to try something broad spectrum... formalin, Clout, parasite clear.

watch your biofilter with any of the meds here... most should not hurt it , but its always possible,


07-21-2003, 05:31 PM
Brew! thanks if i do use formalin should I clean the filters in it as well and the ST is it better if i move the fish to QT and do it there so i can clean the ST before putting them back? how i can save the cycled filter?

07-21-2003, 07:54 PM
Hi Karina:
Sorry, I had company this weekend. Flukes are more likely on the fish or sitting on the bottom of the tank. There may be a few in the filter, but they don't congregate there.

Just dose the formalin in the tank. If it is flukes you will have to repeat treatment (every other day, every third day?) to get rid of new ones as it does not kill the cysts (eggs)

This may be bacterial rather than flukes - how big/old is your discus?

07-22-2003, 12:24 AM
Karina, Flukes are way over rated as a problem for Discus, especially Discus over 2.5 inches. They are more like fleas on a dog, and fleas do not kill dogs. Please give a more accurate description of the problems and yourwater parameters, and in the mean time- WCWCWCWCWC! Frank 8)