View Full Version : Blind BD ?!!

07-21-2003, 11:38 AM

I got 2 pairs of 4 inch BD yesterday. The issue was i had to make the LFS guy to open up his shop and get me the fish.. since the tank was not lighted i could not get to see the fish properly. when i went home i found that one of the BD had white coloration on both the eyes. could it be cataract or some infection ? the LFS guy wont take it back. is there any way i can make the fish alright ? can some one help ?
the BD is well shaped and looks healthy.. but my worry is that since its blind will it be able to eat and survive ?


07-21-2003, 12:06 PM
Is it white as in cloudy eyes? It looks like a white film on just the lens of the eyes and not the eyes itself.

If so then it probably is just a water quality issue. I would do some water changes and add salt. about 1 tblespoon per 5 gallon. Observe for 1-2 days.

Second problem could be a bacterial infection. In which case you need to get some antibacterial mediacation.

07-21-2003, 12:46 PM
Exactly what I would do. 50% water changes 2x daily for a few days. Then reacess. :)

07-21-2003, 12:47 PM

It looks like a white film or growth on the eyes and not on the eyes itself, i will start with the salt treatment immediately. can someone recommend a good anti bacterial medicine ?


07-21-2003, 02:03 PM
let me get this straight:

you made the lfs guy open his store so you could buy fish and then wanted to take them back when things didn't go your way????

though there are lots of comments that could be said about this all i'm going to say is that EVERY person buying ANY pet should do his/her homework well before purchasing the pet and he/she should ALWAYS take the time to inspect the health of the pet before purchase. i hope you learned a lesson.

07-21-2003, 02:07 PM

I am not blaming the LFS guy in any way. the responsibility of getting healthy fish is mine. ;)


07-21-2003, 02:43 PM
That's no big deal. Salt and water changes and it will clear up in a week. I just got some white eyes on my Marlboro red after I drove it from Texas to Colorado and it cleared up 3 days with water changes and salt.

Two pairs at 4". Are the stunted? That is a little small to be selling as mated pairs IMO.

07-21-2003, 06:09 PM
Thanks Wolf, the BD pair are not mating pairs.... just 4" big discus.. good shape.. not sutnted.. i hope to grow them bigger and more beautiful....